bash shell script read file line by line. while read line do value=`expr $value + 1`; echo $value; done < "myfile" echo $value; Note: This example just counts the number of lines, I actually desire to do more complex processing than this though, so 'wc' is not an alternative, nor is perl im afrai
Unix shell - View topic - How do I read a file line by line in a csh script? Dear all. This is really a newbie question. Korn shell variant # /bin/ksh line="" while read line do # Do something with $line done < $input_file How do I accomplish the same in a csh script? Best Regards Magnus Olofsson
csh: while read - Is there an equivalent in csh to bash's while read variable list ?
csh - How can I read one line at a time with C shell in unix ... 2010年10月25日 - ... 738708/ ...
shell - Reading line by line from a file in unix - Stack Overflow 2012年7月3日 - bin/csh set files = ("csl_nl.sts") foreach file ('cat files') echo ... bin/sh while IFS= read -r file; do printf 'Moving %s to %s\n' "$file" "$file".cdc ${file:+cp "$file" "$file". cdc} done ...
cshell reading file line by line - Linux bin/tcsh -f set line=($ 0) echo $line. ... Code: ./script.csh foo.txt.
UNIX: Read a File Line By Line - nixCraft: Linux Tips, Hacks, Tutorials, And Ideas In Blog Format HOW DO YOU SPLIT INPUT INTO FIELDS FOR PROCESSING? I have a question concerning how you’d actually process individual fields of input. For example, let’s say you’re doing the usual while read LINE; do process the statements done firstbyteinq and ...
Ksh Read a File Line By Line ( UNIX Scripting ) Thanks, I usually don’t like doing my heavy lifting with shell scripting. Still, this is useful information because sometimes the shell is all you have in the ... When there are a few lines to be read, I do always use the following method. #!/bin/ksh whil
Help with csh, read in a file line by line | Unix Linux Forums | Shell Programming and Scripting Help with csh, read in a file line by line I want to process some audio with: sox $audio1 $audio2 trim $start_time $dur How can I batch process them by read in a file containing the values for the variables above on every line, like: 1.wav 1.5 1 2.wav 2.5
Unix shell - View topic - read a file line by line in csh script read a file line by line in csh script Note that it only works with STDIN. You cannot prompt the user's terminal during this. You cannot do this on a file while processing a pipe. You cannot specify the file in the middle of the script. -- Sending unsolic