[問題] CPU溫度過高(70度以上) - 看板blind_pc - 批踢踢實業坊 原po最近CPU溫度爆高電腦常常給我警告訊息:CPU 70 度!!!
攜帶型電腦綜合討論區 - 筆電的CPU溫度要幾度才合理? - 筆電討論區 - Mobile01 我的筆電是acer 4920g用everest 測在冷氣房都有60度硬碟溫度也有50度這樣溫度不會... ... mmpiop wrote: 加底座溫度會變高??? 那幹嘛加底座? 我想應該是 Dock 或是 Port Replicator 之類的底座吧 我在辦公室放了一個 Port Replicator,這樣外接螢幕、鍵盤、滑鼠等 ...
裝機高手來,給點建議,CPU溫度70多,玩遊戲這款全理不 ... 溫度可以控制在40~45之內,開機只有27度好涼啊。哈哈!現在的E3芯片是VENICE的,非常之完美,推薦使用。另外顯卡落伍好久了。建議換高一點的頻率的卡卡/
What is my Computers Maximum CPU Temperature? - Technibble CPU Max Temperature AMD Althon, Althon Opteron, Duron & Sempron Series AMD Athlon (socket) upto 1Ghz 90 C AMD Athlon (slot) all speeds 70 C AMD Athlon Thunderbird 1.1Ghz+ 95 C AMD Athlon MP 1.33Ghz+ 95 C AMD Athlon XP 1.33Ghz+ 90 C AMD ...
CPU Temperature Too Hot? Am I hurting my computer? For a 2.4GHZ, the maximum temperature should be in the range of 70 C. If your CPU goes in the range of 60 C and above when running at high load, one of the things you can do first is looking if you have any dust on the heatsink. If a lot of dust is presen
What is the ideal cpu temperature? - CPUs - CPUs ideal temp is the highest temp that the system will last at for the longest amount of time or the full life of the system this would like chart with hours used per day vs cpu output bottom line is 55-65c for quad core, each core at 100% should give you 7
What is a GOOD CPU Temperature? - Cooling - CPUs I have a i7 950, and a Arctic Cooling Freezer 13 cpu cooler, right now when I use HD tune pro, it says the temp of my cpu is 33 Degrees Celsius, when I convert that, that is 91 ...
奔騰D雙核CPU 溫度70多怎麽辦- 王朝網路- wangchao.net.cn 我開機時在BIOS裏看到CPU的溫度爲60度,過了一會兒穩定在70多度,MB 溫度在38度左右,(這裏所說的度是攝氏度)風扇2700轉每分鍾。我聽說CPU 一般都 ...
CPU溫度70多度為何遊戲就一直頓掉??? [論壇存檔] - 滄者極限 好奇怪不是說CPU很耐熱的不是嗎~ 我去年玩重3D遊戲的時後CPU溫度還不會飆到70多度但是從幾個月前開始只要一玩3D遊戲CPU溫度就直接飆 ...