華 魁專業顧問有限公司-軟體專區 達成 Six Sigma 品質步驟 彼得.杜拉克曾說-當今許多企業面臨經營危機,並不是他們做錯了什麼,而是因為時代的改變,使企業一質賴以維生的假設基礎改變,企業卻不自覺,故最後淪為環境所造成。 摩托羅拉導入Six Sigma系統,經過了十年的努力達到3.4ppm,零 ...
製程能力指數 Cpk (一) | Northwest Analytics, Taiwan cpk – The Process Capability Index 何謂制程能力? 所謂制程能力,就是一個制程固定之生產因素及在穩定的管制下之品質能力. 制程能力分析的用途 (1). 提供資料以便產品之設計. (2). 驗收一項全新或經過修理之設備.
Cp Cpk Template for Excel | Calculate Cp Cpk in Excel with this Fill in the Blank Template Cp Cpk Template for Excel - calculates Cp, Cpk, Pp, Ppk for up to 8 characteristics and 100 measurements. Download QI Macros 30 day trial. ... Home » Quality Tools » Cp Cpk Template Cp Cpk Template for Excel What's Cool about the QI ...
Cp Cpk Template in Excel to Perform Process Capability Analysis - YouTube It's easy to calculate Cp Cpk and analyze process capability using the QI Macros Cp Cpk template. Just enter your target value,spec tolerances and measurements in the yellow shaded areas. The worksheet will automatically calculate Cp, Cpk, Pp, and Ppk. It
Histogram in Excel with Cp Cpk | Histograms with Process Capability Metrics Create Histograms in Excel with Cp, Cpk Pp, Ppk and more. Download QI Macros 30 day trial. ... Home » Quality Tools » Histogram Histogram in Excel with Cp, Cpk Tired of Trying to Create Histograms in Excel?
Create a Histogram in Excel with Process Capability Metrics Cp Cpk Pp Ppk XL2003 - YouTube Use a histogram to determine the distribution of measurable data and the capability (i.e., the level of performance the customers can consistently expect) of the process. Process capability is determined using your data and the customer's upper specificat
Does excel have a function for calculation of Cp/Cpk i.e. process - Microsoft Community Found this helpful Me Too 0 Answer HansV MVP replied on April 17, 2011 MVP A free template: http://freewarecorner.com/cpk-excel-template-10.html A commercial template with a free trial download: http://www.qimacros.com/qiwizard ...
Process Capability in Excel - SPC for Excel Software, Training and Consulting | BPI Consulti We know how important it is to meet customer specifications. That's why we've put so much effort into developing the Process Capability features of our SPC for Excel software.
Capability Study with Histogram Excel Template - GKN 20, A Cpk of less than 1.33 signals trouble with exceeding the closest tolerance. A Cpk greater than 2.0 signals a good safety margin to the closest tolerance.
Cp Cpk Template for Excel | Calculate Cp Cpk in Excel with this Fill ... The QI Macros Cp Cpk template uses the correct formula which estimates the standard deviation from the average of the ranges divided by a constant (Rbar/d2 ).