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Cooler Master: Computer Case, Cooler, Power Supply, Laptop Cooling, Mobile Accessories, Gaming Perip ©2014 Cooler Master Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
CoolerMaster Elite 430 Black - Chassis 機箱 - 組件 - 電腦 - 香港格價網 直立/橫放: 直立, 適用主機板規格: ATX/Micro-ATX, 5.25吋磁碟槽: 3個, 3.5吋磁碟槽: 7個, 擴充槽: 7個, 免工具組裝: 是, 顏色: 黑色, 尺寸: 190 x 424 x 490 mm, 重量: 4.7kg【行貨參考價 $340】 《香港格價網》
Cooler Master: Elite 335 Elite 335 (RC-335) is a mid-tower that accommodates micro-ATX and ATX motherboards, built with a modern black design. This case maintains Elite's pedigree ...
不專業之CoolerMaster Elite 335 開箱文(第1頁) - 機殼- Mobile01 CoolerMaster 的標誌!! 中間下面那邊是光線的 .... RC-335跟技嘉GX-X系列的鐵架還 真像..... 第1頁(共1頁) ...
COOLER MASTER ELITE 335 RC-335-KKN1-GP Black SECC ... The Cooler Master Elite is a great combination of form and function. The Elite 335 offers ample internal space for ...
Cooler Master: Elite 335U The new Elite 335U series builds upon Cooler Master's expertise and delivers high-end features in an affordable chassis. It has been built to last and designed to keep all the components inside the case cool. It comes with upgraded compatibility and featu
Cooler Master: Elite 335U The new Elite 335U series builds upon Cooler Master's expertise and delivers high-end features in an ...
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CoolerMaster Elite 120 Advanced - Chassis 機箱 - 組件 - 電腦 - 香港格價網 - Elite 120 Advanced - 現貨發售 - 歡迎致電查詢 - 此為 PRICE.COM 現金價 - 七天有壞包換,全部原裝行貨, 原廠保養 - 訂購前必須致電本公司查詢存貨,以免爭議 - 地址: 深水埗元洲街85-95, 新高登電腦商場2樓206-207 - 電話: 2387-8955