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Cooler Master: Computer Case, Cooler, Power Supply, Laptop Cooling, Mobile Accessories, Gaming Perip ©2014 Cooler Master Co., Ltd. All rights reserved.
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Cooler Master: V6GT V6GT follows in the footsteps of the revolutionary V8 and V10 CPU coolers from Cooler Master.
COOLER MASTER V6 GT RR-V6GT-22PK-R1 120mm ... V6 GT follows in the footsteps of the revolutionary V8 and V10 CPU coolers from Cooler Master.
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Cooler Master: V6 V6 follows in the footsteps of t he revolutionary V8 and Vl0 CPU coolers from Cooler Master. Designed with a muscular engine look, the V6 fits nicely with any ...
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Cooler Master V6 CPU 散熱器- Yahoo!奇摩購物中心 6根熱導管的設計;AMD/INTEL 共用設計;紅光12公分高風量風扇;底部為全銅底設計;獨家熱管V型排列增進效能.