Common LISP Hints: Setf Setf. Certain forms in LISP naturally define a memory location. For example, if the value of x is a structure of type foo , then (foo-bar x) defines the bar field of the ...
Difference between "set", "setq", and "setf" in Common Lisp? - Stack ... What is the difference between "set", "setq", and "setf" in Common ... Originally, in Lisp, there were no lexical variables -- only dynamic ones.
Lisp style: setq vs. setf - Stack Overflow Also see Practical Common Lisp, chapter 3: "The SETF macro is Common Lisp's main assignment operator." PCL is available online for free: ...
lisp - What's difference between defvar,defparameter,setf,and setq ... SETF is a macro which uses SETQ internally, but has more possibilities. .... Browse other questions tagged lisp common-lisp clisp or ask your ...
defining setf-expanders in Common Lisp - Stack Overflow Here's the thing: I don't "get" setf-expanders and would like to learn ... (defun (setf arr-index) (new-value index-string) (setf (aref some-array ...
common lisp - About "setf" in "defun"? - Stack Overflow Your code snippet is not redefining any functions. It is essentially “extending” the assignment capabilities of Common Lisp — one of the nice features ...
CLHS: Macro SETF, PSETF - LispWorks setf {pair}* => result*. psetf {pair}* => nil. pair::= place newvalue. Arguments and Values: place---a place. newvalue---a form. results---the multiple values[2] ...
Simplified Common Lisp reference - setf - SETF is similar to SETQ but works with generalized places. Many functions for read access can be turned into write access. See LET, SETQ. SETF expanders ...
Simplified Common Lisp reference - aref - Simplified Common Lisp reference. aref. Symbol class: ... AREF with conjunction of SETF may be used to set array elements. (aref "hola" 0) => #\h (aref "hola" 3) ...
Variables - gigamonkeys Then I'll discuss Common Lisp's general-purpose assignment operator, SETF , which is used to assign new values to variables and just about every other place ...