On Board Diagnostics (OBD, OBD2, OBDII, OBD-2, OBD-II) 車上診斷系統/車載診斷系統功能簡介 @ car2tw.com 進口車回台灣知識 ... 可於車輛的排放控制元件出現問題時,早期產生訊號以通知車主送廠維修,避免問題車輛 在不知情的情況下製造更多的污染。註:有關進口汽車OBD2檢驗方法及標準請參閱此。 在美國加洲,從 1988 年份起所有車款已配備 OBD-I (On Board ...
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Volver (2006) - Wikipedia.org Volver is a 2006 Spanish drama film written and directed by Pedro Almodóvar. Headed by actress Penélope Cruz, the film features an ensemble cast also starring Carmen Maura, Lola Dueñas, Blanca Portillo, Yohana ...
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Clean On board Bill of Lading Vs. Shipped On board Bill of ... 2013年11月12日 - One of the readers of this web blog requested recently to explain the term Clean On Board Bill of Lading and Shipped on board Bill of Lading.
What is clean on board bill of lading? definition and meaning Definition of clean on board bill of lading: A transport document issued by a carrier to a shipper based on a dock receipt or provided by a customs broker that ...
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外匯問題clean on board.... - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 請問clean on board跟full set original要怎麼翻譯跟代表什麼意思...謝謝~~~~
清洁提单- MBA智库百科 通常船公司的提单,如果不加任何不良批注,就表明该提单是清洁已装船提单,一般 客人信用证中都会要求全套的清洁提单,至于提单上是否显示CLEAN ON BOARD, ...