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基礎法律常識 Basic legal knowledge - 香港稅務資料 Hong Kong Tax Tips 人人都要守法,因為違反法律會受罰,以理財角度來看,受罰代表了超支,所以,一個精於理財的人又怎可以不知法呢? 了解法律,除了可以避免因違反法律而受罰外,還可保障自己的法定權利不受侵犯。
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Civil law - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Civil law may refer to: Civil law (common law), a branch of law which consists of non-criminal law Civil ...
Civil Law and Common Law三個問題 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ Role of judge 的 中文 資料:法官&variant=zh-tw Role of judge ...
civil law legal definition of civil law Civil Law A body of rules that delineate private rights and remedies, and govern disputes between indivi ...
civil law是什麼意思? civil law翻譯(中文英文):民法…《抓鳥》英語詞典 civil law的解釋是:民法… 同時,該頁為英語學習者提供: civil law的 中文翻譯、英英詳解、單詞音標、在線發音 ...
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What is common law? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ What is common law?Name some countries where common law us used.How is common law different to civil law ...
什麼是comman law system? 什麼是civil law system? 兩者之間有什麼相似和不同的地方?? - Yahoo!知識+ yun_kiu 的答案非常之好, 因你只出 5 分的關係 ( 太少了), 我只作一兩點補充: 1. civil law legal system 中文應 ...