顧客關係管理師 - City & Guilds 國際職業資格認證 (2014/3/5)-- 102年12月份國際企業管理師成績公佈~. □, (2014/2/7)-- 國際企業管理 師證照考試,已開放線上報名~~! □, (2013/9/6)-- 102年6月份國際企業管理師成績 ...
證照簡介 - City & Guilds - Believe you can 英國城市專業學會(City & Guilds of London Institute) 是全世界最大的國際職業資格認證機構。證書範疇涵蓋22個職業領域, 共計500多種項目, City & Guilds 的職業 ...
英国伦敦城市行业协会(City & Guilds)-City & Guilds 英国伦敦城市行业协会(City & Guilds)乃英国顶尖的职业资格颁授机构。自成立130 多年来,学会所提供的资格超过500个,涵盖28个行业;每年有二百万名学员透 ...
City&Guilds-City & Guilds City & Guilds 乃英國頂尖的職業資格頒授機構,學會所提供的資格超過500個,涵蓋 28個行業;每年 ... 收購南非評審機構 · 首位台灣學員獲頒City & Guilds 國際獎學金 · City & Guilds 全力贊助香港咖啡大師賽.
City And Guilds City & Guilds is a global leader in skills development, with 2 million learners working towards one of our qualifications every year. ... What We Offer We are the leading skills development organisation, providing services to training providers, employers
Windy City Knitting Guild | A membership organization which encourages and fosters knitting. Offers a monthly newsletter, upcoming events calendar, a directory of local shops, and membership details.
Electrical Equipment Maintenance and Testing qualifications and training courses | City & Guilds City & Guilds Electrical Equipment Maintenance and Testing qualifications. Leading vocational education and training organisation. ... This level will suit you if you are a practising electrician either involved in, or looking to become involved in, the i
Elm City Quilters' Guild Hi to all our members and visitors who have come to visit our Blog. I have volunteered to do the blog for our guild. After years of wonderful Blogging by Kathy F. I can only hope that I can follow in her well placed footsteps. Our guild had a wonderful Mi
Craft Courses Online City and Guild Art Craft Courses Home Study - Space2Create Craft courses online, including City & Guilds Arts & Crafts,are available for home study here from Space2create. So for all arts & craft courses online look here first for City & Guilds qualifiations. ... Welcome to space2create.net This fully accredited
Down Syndrome Guild of Greater Kansas City The Down Syndrome Guild of Greater Kansas City provides support and resources for individuals with Down syndrome and their families. ... Keys to success Conference January 31, 2015 DSG's Keys to Success Conference will feature national and ...