c++ - cin.getline(char, int) gets skipped when in a loop - Stack Overflow cin. getline(char, int) gets skipped when in a loop up vote-1 down vote favorite This is the code I have ...
cin.getline for int, or cin for strings? - C++ Forum - Cplusplus.com Okay, so I'm supposed to be writing a program that will take data in from the keyboard and then output it to a data file. I was trying to use cin for ...
Using cin to get user input. - C++ Forum - Cplusplus.com I know it's going to be easier to use cin >> integer; than the code below. ... A more elegant solution, and much easier to use is the getline(); ...
c++ - Trying to use int in getline - Stack Overflow question q; for(int i = 0; i < totalquestions; i++) { q.inputdata(); questions. push_back(q); } ... It can be done with getline() , but cin is much easier.
string - cin.getline() is skipping an input in C++ - Stack Overflow int main() { int n; map lst; string c,s,c2; cin>>n; for(int i=0;i
c++ - Input an array of char using std::cin.getline() not working ... #include int main() { using namespace std; char a[50]; int y ... In the first case, the input will still contain a newline, which is then ...
c++ - cin>> not work with getline() - Stack Overflow #include #include using namespace std; int main () { string str; int age; cout >age; cout ...
c++ - Is there a method like getline for integers - Stack Overflow Is there some sort of method like getline() , just for integers. Maybe ... Why is cin > > empage not enough? ... Do you know what getline does?
Lecture Notes - cin.getline(), plus strings, pointers, new and delete ... cin.getline() has the following prototype: void cin.getline(char *s, const int size); It assumes that s is an array of at least size characters. It reads in a single line of ...
getline??? how do I use something like it for an integer - C Board Code: #include //header for cout and cin #include // header for strings ... char name[25]; int numb; long mass; } main() { ifstream infile; int i = 0; ...