Notification - Web API Interfaces | MDN 5 days ago ... The Notification object is used to configure and display desktop notifications to the user.
ttsvetko/HTML5-Desktop-Notifications · GitHub 8 Dec 2012 ... HTML5-Desktop-Notifications - Desktop notifications plugin for Chrome, Safari, Firefox and IE9+.
javascript - Chrome desktop notification example? - Stack Overflow Is there an hosted example code (Javascript) that demonstrates Chrome desktop notifications? I'd like that use that in my own code. Update: Here's a blog post explaining webkit ...
Desktop Notifications - The Chromium Projects However, as the javascript Notification object has gone out of scope, Chromium must not attempt to invoke events on it. The NotificationPresenter interface supports this via a notificationObjectDestroyed() ...
chrome.notifications - Google Chrome - Mobile DevTools: Remote Debugging for Android with Screencast properties TemplateType (optional) type Which type of notification to display. Required for notifications.create method. string (optional) iconUrl A URL to the sender's avatar, app icon, or a thumbnail for image notifications. URLs can be a data URL, a ..
JavaScript not working in Chrome Extension HTML desktop notification I'm developing a Chrome Extension with HTML desktop notifications, but when they show up, it looks like they don't execute any JavaScript. I started with a complex JS, then I ...
Coding chrome desktop notification in jQuery - Vikas Bhagwagar's Blog So coding it using jQuery and JavaScript, I’d like to initialize chrome desktop notification in bit graceful way. JavaScript 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 $ (document). ready (function { $ ("#testbtn"). click (function ...
javascript - Chrome desktop notification example? - Stack Overflow Is there an hosted example code (Javascript) that demonstrates ... Below is a working example of desktop notifications for Chrome, Firefox, Opera ...
Rich Notifications - Google Chrome Use rich desktop notifications to notify users that something important has ... You create the notification window using a bit of JavaScript and, optionally, ...
Chrome and Firefox: Desktop Notifications | 8 Feb 2013 ... Just a short article this time, since I'm kind of swamped with work and the start of a new book on Three.js I'm writing for Packt. In this article we'll ...