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Major chord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In music theory, a major chord ( Play (help·info)) is a chord having a root, a major third, and a perfect fifth.[1] When a chord has these three notes alone, it is called a major triad. Some major triads with additional notes, such as the major seventh ch
Major seventh chord - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In music, a major seventh chord is a seventh chord where the "third" note is a major third above the root, and the "seventh" note is a major seventh above the root (a fifth above the third note) play (help·info). The major seventh chord, sometimes also ca
Major Chord - Free Online Piano Lessons - Learn How to Play Piano major chords, c major chord, 12 major chords, f major chord, g major chord, d major chord, e major chord, a major chord, black key, white key, db major chord, eb major chord, ab ...
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Chord Major 9 - 相關圖片搜尋結果
Emaj9 Guitar Chord | E Major 9 Chord Chart | Standard Tuning Tuning: Standard Tuning Alternate Names: EMA9, EMAJ9, EM9 JamPlay.com is proud to offer you free guitar chords and chord charts. Below, you will find up to 6 voicings for the Emaj9 guitar chord, in Standard tuning. If you are looking for the Emaj9 guitar