解碼 DAC / 時脈產生器 - 聲域音響有限公司, 專業二手音響代購 二手音響,音響代購,進口音響,解碼,DAC,時脈產生器 ... 九成新 其中 MBL 1611 為 1611E 升級 1611F 含原廠紙、原廠金屬..
Chord 最新 DAC 兼耳擴 Hugo TT | Post76玩樂網 繼去年 Chord 推出 DAC 兼耳擴 Hugo 獲一致好評後,新型號 Hugo TT 更著眼於融影音硬件於家居環境之中。在 CES 2015 中展出的 Hugo TT 在連接、聲音表現、操作及 LED 面屏上都高較前作優勝,售價為 2,995 英鎊,約 35,000 港元。
CHORD : USB DAC 2Qute 四月面世 | Post76玩樂網 CHORD 將四月初推出 Chordette 系列 QuteHD/EX 後繼型號 USB DAC 2Qute,四方的銀色盒子 2Qute 是結合了 Hugo DAC 以及 Qute EX 獨立 DAC,售價為 226,000 日元,折算為 14,700 港元。 2Qute 採用 FPGA DAC 技術,帶來低失真的表現。
John Franks談Chord Hugo - U-Audio 音響共和國 在雅士舉辦的產品發表會之前,代理商賣了一個關子,媒體都知道這次要發表Chord最新隨身DAC兼耳擴,但是位於民生東路的雅士展示中心,就是連一部Hugo都看不到,只有落地大型海報讓人解饞。終於,發表會開始,我們才看到從西裝口袋裡面拿出來的Hugo。
Chord Hugo usb dac headphone amp at Moon Audio The Chord Hugo I purchased from Drew is an amazing product, and far surpasses my expectations of what a DAC/amp of this size could sound like. Everything you have read about the HUGO is absolutely true. The sound is so clear and beautiful that it gives me
Computer Audiophile - Chord Chordette Qute EX DAC - Update My conclusion (early and with few variables I realize) is that we are hearing the Chord’s isynchronous USB receiver’s susceptibility to RF. And Rob Watts, Chord’s own designer of the DAC, agrees with me. He can’t find any logic in why SPDIF would be that
Chord Dac - 相關圖片搜尋結果
Computer Audiophile - Chord Electronics QBD76HD / QBD76HDSD DAC Review The Chord Electronics QBD76HD / QBD76HDSD is a very unique digital to analog converter to say the least. The QBD76HD is one of a handful of distinct DACs designed around FPGAs rather than a mass produced silicon DAC chip. Externally the QBD76HD is just ..
Chord Chordette QuteHD USB DSD DAC | Stereophile.com Small and definitely cute, the new Chord DAC has SPDIF and USB inputs and unbalanced analog outputs. Priced at $1,795 and available now, the QuteHD also handles DSD files and can process streams up to 384kHz. Michael Lavorgna gets into the details in his
Chord Hugo Portable DAC / Headphone Amplifier Purchase the Chord Hugo portable DAC / Headphone Amplifier from Custom Cable. No.1 For DACs and Headphones. Chord Authorised Partner ... Wow goes on for two weeks now. I can't stop hearing. It drives my hd800 easily. A really compelling package ...