東台PCB鑽孔機居領導地位高階雷射鑽孔機乘勝追擊 2010年10月20日 - 張琳一/高雄穩居國內第1大、全球第2大的PCB鑽孔機製造大廠東台精機公司,一直致力於發展PCB鑽孔機與成型機設備。有鑒於未來PCB雷射鑽孔 ...
高功率LED散熱新突破 - 璦司柏電子| LED散熱基板、陶瓷散熱基板 ... 高功率LED散熱新突破-陶瓷COB技術大幅節省封裝製程成本. LED封裝方式是以晶 粒(Die)藉由打線、共晶或覆晶封裝技術與其散熱基板Submount(次黏著技術)連結而 ...
何謂COB (Chip On Board) ?介紹COB的演進歷史 | 電子製造,工作狂人(ResearchMFG) COB (Chip On Board)在電子製造業已經是一項成熟的技術了,可是一般的組裝工廠對它的製程並不熟悉,也許是因為它使用到一些 wire bond 的積體電路(IC)封裝技術,所以很多的成品或是專業電路板的代工廠很難找到相關的技術人員。
COB LEDs - Chip On Board LEDs - Chip On Board LED Technology COB leds - Chip On Board LEDs junction, MCPCB: chip on board approach, led junction to chip,chip to DA adhesive, DA adhesive to MCPCB ... Chip on Board (COB) LED Lighting technology The greatest power densities on the smallest space are often the basis ..
Chip-on-Board LED - Prophotonix: OEM Laser Diodes Distributor and Manufacturer of Machine ProPhotonix designs & manufactures chip on board LED-based illuminators for custom OEM applications. Chip on Board Technology has a number of advantages over other LED technologies. Including higher intensities, greater uniformity and a more compact form
what is COB LED chips on board - COB LED Lighting what is COB LED chips on board? COB (Chips on Board) , is a new technology of LED packaging for LED light engine...
Advantage of COB led Chip-on-board - COB LED Lighting COB, (Chips on Board) , multi LED chips are packaged together as one lighting module. COB LEDs have great advantage of thermal resistance, larger cooling ...
突破散熱/光學瓶頸COB封裝催生LED照明- 學技術- 新電子 ... ... 溫度管理、可靠度以及光學效率方面獲得改善,仍是可望而不可及,因此業界開發出採用COB(Chip On Board)方式的LED封裝來滿足LED在照明市場應用上的需求。
Chip-on-Board LED - Prophotonix ProPhotonix designs & manufactures chip on board LED-based illuminators for custom OEM applications. Chip on Board Technology has a number of ...
Chip-on-board LEDs for directional high power applications board LEDs successfully serve the requirements of this applica- tion segment ... multi-chip assembly with many individual low power LED chips connected in ...