Chink in the armor? @ Mtl's Flight Deck :: 痞客邦PIXNET :: 2012年2月20日 ... Chink in the armor 是非常口語的詞,說話時脫口而出不覺得什麼,我也會用,拿來當 新聞標題是有點insensitive,不過用在這裡我並不感覺被冒犯, ...
Chink in one's armor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The idiom "chink in one's armor" refers to an area of vulnerability. It has traditionally been used to refer to a weak spot in a figurative suit of armor. The standard ...
什麼是Chink in the Armor ? ESPN vs 林書豪之不好笑的雙關語- 空心 ... 2012年2月19日 ... Chink in the Armor Chink 是裂縫的意思, 盔甲的裂縫,可以引申為.
ESPN Uses "Chink in the Armor" Line Twice UPDATE- ESPN Fires ... 18 Feb 2012 ... Linsanity just jumped the shark with the ESPN mobile website using the headline a “Chink in the Armor” to refer to the Knick's loss to the ...
Chink in one's armor - - A vulnerable area, as in Putting things off to the last minute is the chink in Pat's armor and is bound to get her in trouble one day. This term relies on chink in the ...
Urban Dictionary: Chink in the Armor 1) An narrow opening and vunerable area in one's armor that the opponent will usually aim for. This term relies on "chink" in the sense of "a crack...
Army expresses surprise about racism allegations over deleted ... 30 Jan 2015 ... The Army has deleted a tweet posted Thursday afternoon referring to “chinks” in the armor of its Special Operations capabilities after receiving ...
No More Chinks in the Armor - Slate 21 Feb 2012 ... ESPN's efforts are commendable, but these incidents suggest that it's time to retire chink in the armor from the lexicon for good. Yes, I know that ...
a chink in armour - Idioms by The Free Dictionary if someone or something which seems to be strong has a chink in their armour, they have a small fault which may cause them problems She's a brilliant ...