» Really, ESPN? ‘Chink in the Armor’? JIMROMENESKO.COM from Merrium and Webster Dictionary and look at the early use date. Definition of CHINK transitive verb G ...
Urban Dictionary: Chink in the Armor - Urban Dictionary, March 14: Fap Farmer 1) An narrow opening and vunerable area in one's armor that the opponent will usually aim for. This term ...
ESPN Uses "Chink in the Armor" Line Twice UPDATE- ESPN Fires One Employee Suspends Another - Forbes Greg, on a more substantial point, you noted: “In fairness to the writer/editor, the term ‘ chink in the ...
a chink in armor - definition of a chink in armor by The Free Dictionary Translations of a chink in armor. a chink in armor synonyms, a chink in armor antonyms. Information about ...
Chink in the armor? @ Mtl's Flight Deck :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 【明報專訊】美籍華裔NBA球星林書豪冒起,引來追捧,也引發口不擇言辱華歪風,著名體育頻道ESPN一周兩度就林書 ...
Chink The Armor If you are looking for custom boxes that will make your products really stand out and give your product t ...
Chink in the armor, Jeremy Lin: Why it’s time to retire the phrase for good. ESPN’s efforts are commendable, but these incidents suggest that it’s time to retire chink in the armor f ...
Chink in one's armor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The idiom " chink in one's armor" refers to an area of vulnerability. It has traditionally been used to r ...
什麼是 Chink in the Armor ? ESPN vs 林書豪 之 不好笑的雙關語 - 空心政客的告白 Over the Rainbow - udn部落格 Chink in the Armor Chink 是裂縫的意思, 盔甲的裂縫,可以引申為 ... 因為東方人眼睛小,對西方人來說就像只 ...
Chink in the Armor MERS Fraud,Foreclosure Defense,MonetaryReform,MERS ... A Workingman's Guide to MERS and the Shadow Bankin ...