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Canon S110 高階隨身小甜心,內建 Wi-Fi 好分享 | DIGIPHOTO-用鏡頭享受生命 Canon S110 為 S100 的後繼機種,基本拍攝規格與前代機的差異性不大,鑑於愛好分享的潮流,內建Wi-Fi功能,讓用戶可以把照片上傳至社群網站。感光元件採用1210萬畫素CMOS,感光度最高可至ISO 12800,搭配5倍光學變焦鏡頭,最大光圈F2.0,改為3 ...
[聊攝影08] Canon S100 與 S95 簡單心得與評比,分享如何看懂相機規格 @ 【賀禎禎的攝影小玩意】 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 圖01. 2012/01/05 UPDATE S100 與 S95 高感光度 夜拍 測試心得出來嘍,請點我來看哦 一、前言 今天2011年09月16日,Canon 發表了 S95
Canon PowerShot S110 評測 - Engadget 中文版 2012年10月31日 - 圖集: Canon PowerShot S110 機身外觀(Body) .... 這張逆光照,筆者想試著考驗一下S110 在此狀況下的測光與對焦的表現如何。實際上這張照片的 ...
[比攝影19] Canon S100 VS S95 夜拍高感光度測試心得@ 【賀禎禎的 ... 2012年1月5日 ... 圖01. S100 ISO3200 如果觀看本篇文章發生排版錯誤,請點我看線上PDF閱讀版一 、前言S100自十月發表至今已經約二個多月,而北美也在十月底 ...
S95 vs S100/110: Canon PowerShot Talk Forum: Digital Photography ... 16 Feb 2013 ... I own the S95, S100 & S110. I am chagrined at what I see! Are my eyes are deceiving me? The S95 has the S100/110 beat by a mile on IQ.
Canon Powershot S110 hands-on preview: Digital Photography Review Preview based on a pre-production Canon Powershot S110 When Canon announced the Powershot S90 just over three years ago, it almost single-handedly defined a new class of camera - a genuinely pocketable compact for serious photographers, with RAW format ..
Canon S110 vs S95 - Our Analysis - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Canon S110 vs Canon S95 to find out which is the winner. ... 2013): Compare the Canon PowerShot S120 vs Canon Powershot S100 ...
Canon PowerShot S95 vs Canon PowerShot S110 ... Compare Cameras: Canon PowerShot S95 vs Canon PowerShot S110. Compare detailed tech specs, features, expert reviews, and user ratings of these two ...
Canon PowerShot S110 vs Canon PowerShot S95 ... Compare Canon PowerShot S110 and Canon PowerShot S95: price, specifications, test results, pros & cons, test conclusion and final score.