Canon U.S.A. : Support & Drivers : PowerShot SX10 IS Whether the action is fast or slow, close up or far away, you'll always get the shot you want with the PowerShot SX10 IS. This camera puts you on the cutting edge of advanced technology, with an incredibly powerful 20x Optical Zoom, 10-megapixel resolutio
canon powershot sx10 - 購物搜尋結果
PowerShot SX10 IS 產品說明 - 彩虹先進股份有限公司 高速超寧靜 USM 超聲波馬達 及 VCM 音圈馬達 為配合全新 PowerShot SX10 IS 強勁的 20 倍光學變焦超遠攝鏡頭,相機採用了 Canon 領導市場的 USM 超聲波馬達,提供高速度、低噪音、高準確度的變焦能力,只需約 1.3 秒即可以由最廣角變焦至超遠攝範圍,另 ...
Canon Powershot Sx10 - 相關圖片搜尋結果
Canon PowerShot SX10 IS介紹 - ePrice 比價王 Canon PowerShot SX10 IS 具備有千萬畫素與 640 x 480 錄影功能,可同時提供使用者高畫素拍照與高水準的錄影功能,不論是拍人或是拍風景都十分適合,最令人驚訝的是它擁有 28 - 560 mm 的焦長範圍,不論是廣角或是望遠端都能給你堅強
canon powershot sx10 - 相關部落格
Canon PowerShot SX10 IS - Digital Compact Cameras - Canon UK The PowerShot SX10 IS features a 20x wide-angle zoom with optical Image Stabilizer, for great telephoto performance. DIGIC 4 ensures fast, high-quality imaging, while full manual mode offers creative control. ... Products & SolutionsBrowse your favourite
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Canon PowerShot SX10 IS | Canon Online Store Sophisticated Technology for Still Images and Movies. Whether the action is fast or slow, close up or far away, you'll always get the shot you want with the PowerShot SX10 IS. This camera puts you on the cutting edge of advanced technology, with an incred
Canon PowerShot SX10 IS 相機規格、價錢及介紹文章 - (2月2日)近年 Sigma 可謂相當進取,不少新鏡都獲得用家的肯定,除了打「規格戰」以原廠鏡頭未有提供的規格吸引用... (1月30日) 開發防水機一直都是 Olympus 的拿手好戲,伴隨無反 E-M10 及長炮 SP-100,同時出場的便有三防機 Stylus