Nikon COOLPIX P7100 實現三轉盤的操控優勢 - Mobile01 本站新聞 Nikon COOLPIX P7100 ‧拍攝樣本 【按下檢視原始大圖】 【按下檢視原始大圖】 【按下檢視原始大圖】 【按下檢視原始大圖】 【按下檢視原始大圖】 【按下檢視原始大圖 ...
手感升級:Nikon Coolpix P7100 評測報告Nikon 討論區 - ePrice 比價王 雖然 EVIL/輕單眼像排山倒海的湧現,就連 Nikon 自己也跳出來出了Nikon 1 系列,那麼代表高階消費式數位相機,或稱為類單眼的系列就要退場了嗎?Nikon Coolpix P7100 的出現似乎給你了另一個答案,畢竟能不能換鏡頭,或者要不要
Canon G12 vs Nikon P7100 - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Canon G12 vs Nikon P7100 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: supports 24p, external mic jack, screen resolution, screen flips out and ...
canon g12 nikon p7100 - 相關部落格
Canon G12 vs. Nikon P7100 vs... • Camera News and Reviews The 2011 Holiday Season is upon us and I'm sure a lot of photographers would love to receive either the Canon PowerShot G12 or the Nikon Coolpix P7100 as a
Nikon P7100 vs Canon G12 « NEW CAMERA New Nikon P7100 or Canon G12, which one is more better? Nikon P7100 is finally out with a tilting LCD, overall fast speed and same image sensor, will you buy the New Nikon P7100 or Canon G12? Read the comparison review and share your thoughts with us
X10, X100, G12, P7100, XZ-1, LX5 規格比較 @ Panda's blog :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: Fujifilm X10, Fujifilm X100, Canon G12, Nikon P7100, Olympus XZ-1, Panasonic LX5 規格比較 規格 / 型號 Cano ... 規格 / 型號 Canon G12 Fujifilm X10 Fujifilm X100 Nikon P7100 Olympus XZ-1 Panasonic LX5 感光元件 1000萬像素 CCD 1200萬像素 EXR CMOS
想買一台隨身機.不知選CANON G12還是NIKON P7100好 (第1頁) - 消費型數位相機綜合討論區 - Mobile01 平常都是用NIKON D300S拍照.近來看到很多前輩用消費機也拍得好美.所以想買一台當作隨身機.方便隨時取景.但不知要買哪一台好---平常不讀書.用時方恨少...所以請問各位大大.G12跟P7100應該選哪台好.P7100有7.1倍的ZOOM.G12有很好的風評.但只有5倍.請各位 ...
Canon G12 Nikon P7100 - 影片搜尋
Nikon P300 & Canon G12哪個好 - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2012-02-22 13:56:23 補充 Canon G12 及 Nikon P7100 有翻轉螢幕 2012-02-23 12:23:42 補充 若常使用相機來錄影,P300擁有Full HD (1920x1080@30fps)高畫質動態攝影,而G12則是HD (1280x720@24fps)。 若在意相機的液晶螢幕,P300擁有3 ...