Nikon D7000 相機規格、價錢及介紹文章 - (1月24日)曾幾何時講起高倍機款,我們都會想到長炮機,但要體現真正的方便,此類賣相似足單反的長炮看來又未算適合... (1月23日) 2013 年對不少廠商來說,可謂不比 2012 年來得輕鬆。去年的主戰場是推動用家升級全片幅,2013
Canon 7D vs Nikon D7000 - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Canon 7D vs Nikon D7000 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: overall image quality, dynamic range, color depth, autofocus and low light performance ... That depends on the lens you are using. The Canon 85mm 1.8 i
Canon 70D vs Nikon D7000 - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Canon 70D vs Nikon D7000 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: dynamic range, overall image quality, HDR, touch screen, shutter lag and screen flips out ... Canon EOS 70D Competitors Advantages Disadvantages No ..
Canon EOS 70D vs Nikon D7000 vs Canon EOS 6D Comparison Canon 6D vs Canon 70D vs Nikon D7000 So there you have it. Three excellent DSLR cameras, every camera has its own unique features. The Canon 6D is fundamentally different because it’s the only one with a 35mm sensor; D7000 has a 1.5 crop factor1.6. ...
Canon EOS 70D 中階DSLR 超級比一比 - Engadget 中文版 2013年7月2日 - 看起來這次Canon 也不再像60D 一樣採取價位較有優勢一些的策略,基本上算是直接跟 ...
Samsung GALAXY Note 3「筆」較實用再進化- Mobile01 本站 ... 2013年9月24日 - 三星也注意到了市場上的變化,推出6吋左右螢幕的GALAXY Mega系列給不需要S Pen的人,而Note 3並沒有擠身6吋的行列,更專注於S Pen與手寫 ...
【中階DSLR之戰】Canon 70D VS. Nikon D7100 - Mobile01 本站新聞 Canon EOS 70D Nikon D7100 感光元件 APS-C APS-C 有效畫素 2020萬 2400萬 低通濾鏡 有 無 焦距轉換倍率 1.6x 1.5x 快門速度範圍 30s-1/8000s, B 30-1/8000s, B, T 對焦點數量 19 51 連拍速度 7fps 6fps(裁切模式7fps) 感光度範圍 100-25600 100-25600 錄影規格
Canon 70D vs Nikon D7100 - Our Analysis - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Canon 70D vs Nikon D7100 to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: overall ... Reasons to buy the Canon EOS 70D ...
Nikon D7100 vs. Canon 70D - Gizmag 2013年8月9日 - When the Canon EOS 70D was announced, it wasn't just as a replacement for the aging 60D, it was also as a direct response to Nikon's D7100 ...
Nikon D7000 vs Canon 60D - YouTube By popular demand: when we compared the D7000 with the 7D last week, we received a lot of comments saying that it would be more appropriate to compare it to the 60D. This week, we take a look at the Nikon D7000 and Canon 60D...