[比攝影06] 一場 一千八百萬 的對決..7D VS 60D VS 550D @ 【賀禎禎的攝影小玩意】 :: 痞客邦 PIXNET :: 7D的推出同樣也是不同凡響,7D優點如雙Digic VI,達到每秒8張1800萬畫素連拍高性能,100%視野率以及1倍放大倍率,這些都是7D劃世代的硬體規格,而7D最利害的並非以上幾點,反而是7D ...
Canon EOS 60D現身,又一樁悲情產品? | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西 EOS 50D的後繼機EOS 60D在EOS 7D和EOS 550D夾攻下,一度以為是被Canon放棄的孤兒;今天Canon終於正式公佈EOS 60D的資訊,採用與EOS 7D和EOS 550D相同的1千8百萬畫素APS-C感光元件,並加入Full HD錄影功能以及翻轉螢幕,也改採SD記憶卡。
Better Family Photos: Canon 60D vs 550D (and 600D): Real World Usage Canon 60D vs 550D (and 600D): Real World Usage Canon 60D Top View - Credit: Canon USA It's finally time for me to review my two months old Canon 60D and compare it to my old pal, the Canon 550D (T2i). I have been postponing this review for quite a bit las
60D vs 550D....給有興趣又猶豫的人參考 (第1頁) - Canon單眼相機 - Mobile01 所以我稍微整理一下60D vs 550D vs 50D...給有興趣的人參考, 先看 60D 比 550D 較優和突出的部分: 1. 較寬較厚的機身,比50D 稍小稍輕 2. 9 點高精確度十字型自動對焦點(中央f/2.8 雙十字型感應器) 3. 1/8000s 快門 4. 每秒5.3張連拍 5. 多角度可折 3吋、1,04萬 ...
Canon 550D vs 60D - Our Analysis - Compare digital cameras - Snapsort Snapsort compares the Canon 550D vs Canon 60D to find out which is the winner. Key differences include: weather sealed, screen flips out, battery life, viewfinder size and cross type focus points ... Canon EOS 550D Competitors Advantages Disadvantages No
一場 一千八百萬 的對決..7D VS 60D VS 550D (第1頁) - Canon單眼相機 - Mobile01 ISO12800裁切2↓550D / 60D / 7D 按這裡檢視圖片 ISO12800裁切3↓550D / 60D / 7D 按這裡檢視圖片 結論: 在高ISO表現上 ... 小秘書 vs. 美魔女 到底是誰讓老闆怒 了? 林依晨推薦! 膳魔師超殺48折 平均只要$640/支 ...
Canon EOS 60D vs 550D vs 7D - Getting more bangs for bucks! The release of the Canon EOS 60D is welcomed but will it really sell when both the Canon EOS 550D and EOS 7D are such attractive cameras? Guaranteed Before Xmas Have an account? Sign in Forgot Password? Remember me Also sign in with ... Facebook
Canon 60D vs 550D vs 7D - which one is better? - YouTube One of the questions we got asked quite a lot on Facebook and Twitter is: how does the 60D compare to the 550D and the 7D? Well, we decided to give this comparison its own video as there's a lot to it. Which camera for you?...
Amazon.com: canon 60d vs 550d - Amazon.com: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Boo "canon 60d vs 550d" Showing 1 - 16 of 77 Results Choose a Department to enable sorting Choose a Department to enable sorting 1. Fotodiox Canon EOS Macro Extension Tube Set for Extreme Close-Ups by Fotodiox Buy new: $14.95 Get it by Monday, Feb ...
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