Cell Biweekly publication of exceptional research articles in areas including molecular biology, biochemistry, cancer research, cell biology, developmental biology, genetics, immunology, microbiology, neurobiology, plant biology, structural biology and virolog
癌幹細胞 - 维基百科 癌症幹細胞 ( Cancer Stem Cell , CSC ),又稱 癌幹細胞 、 腫瘤幹細胞 ,是指具有 幹細胞 (Stem cell)性質的 癌細胞 ,也就是具有“自我複製”(self-renewal)以及“具有多 ...
Cancer stem cell - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Cancer stem cells (CSCs) are cancer cells (found within tumors or hematological cancers) that possess characteristics associated with normal stem cells, specifically the ability to give rise to all cell types found in a...
Journal of Cancer Stem Cell Research The Journal of Cancer Stem Cell Research is an open access, online and peer reviewed scientific journal for the study of Cancer Stem Cells. ... Journal of Cancer Stem Cell Research is an open access, online and peer reviewed scientific journal that provid
Cancer Stem Cell Research Introduction | Clinical Trials and Research | University of Michigan Compr An introduction to cancer stem cell research at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. ... Over the last 30 years, researchers have developed more effective treatments for cancers like childhood leukemia, Hodgkin's disease and testicular
The Cancer Stem Cells Project :: Home The Cancer Stem Cells Project New Territory Mapped in Stem Cell Transplantation more Welcome to the site of the Genome Canada project "Identification of Genetic Pathways that Regulate the Survival and Development of Cancer and Cancer ...
Cancer Stem Cell Research | University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center Recent research has identified cancer stem cells as those specific cells which cause cancer tumors to grow. Identifying and targeting these cells may be the key to effective and ...
美麗的星:Cancer stem cell - 樂多日誌 癌症幹細胞( cancer stem cell )的概念,私以為是本世紀最重要醫學發現之一。2006年9月的新英格蘭期刊回顧了「癌症幹細胞」這個被認可不久的嶄新名詞,由一開始的假說,以及不斷浮現的證據,最後證明了真的有這樣的細胞存在。
NCI Cancer Bulletin for July 27, 2010 - National Cancer Institute NCI's biweekly online newsletter provides useful, timely information about cancer research to the cancer community. ... Stem cells can both self-replicate, as well as produce progenitors that differentiate into other, more mature cell types, such as endot
Cancer stem cells linked to drug resistance Some lung cancer cells become resistant to drugs. Researchers identified an existing drug that reverses stem cell-like properties of tumors, resensitizing them to drug. Credit: UC San Diego School of Medicine "Resistance builds to targeted therapies again