英國音響雜誌雙重推薦-試聽Cambridge ...-Audio 試聽報告 ... 的Henry Kloss,他可說是精力旺盛的音響事業推手,在他手上建立了好幾個名氣很大的音響品牌,包括KLH、Advent、Cambridge、Sound Works、Tivoli,這幾個品牌目前依然 ...
Cambridge Audio Azur 650A review from the experts at whathifi.com When we gave the stylish Azur 650A the First Test treatment back in August 2009, it was emphatically anointed as a five-star frontrunner and ‘a fine buy'. So – bearing in mind the number of stars reducing by a mighty one – what on Earth can have gone wron
Amplifiers | Receivers | Hifi Separates | Richer Sounds An ampifier is so much more than just a box that makes your speakers loud; different designs affect the tonal balance of everything you hear. Whether you want sleek and simple, or cutting edge technological marvels, you'll find them all in our fantastic s
Cambridge Audio 640a - 相關圖片搜尋結果
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極簡實用-Cambridge Audio CD10 CD唱盤 - U-Audio 新聞 [新聞] 實用實惠-Cambridge Topaz SR10綜擴 英國Cambridge Audio推出的入門級Topaz系列,著重功能實用性不走花俏路線,這次介紹的SR10綜合擴大機,每聲道擁有85瓦輸出功率(8歐姆),是Topaz系列中輸出功率較大的款式(下面還有另一款35瓦的AM10 ...
集雅社 - 播下愛音樂的種子 - 純音響單機 - Cambridge Audio 品牌故事 自1968年起,當Cambridge Audio設立發展與生產Hi-Fi及家庭劇院設備的新標準時,無論您選擇何種機型,可以確定的是它的特色就是擁有最新的科技和提供極致的影音表現。源自於英國的Cambridge Audio,其產品的設計是經得起時間的考驗,並提供最實在 ...
review33 - 用家意見 Cambridge Audio Azur 640A 公司網頁 Cambridge Audio 售價: HK$2,900 意見總數 66 平均得分 3.42 產品簡介 The 640A builds upon the impressive features of the 540A resulting in a quality of performance you would expect from amplifiers costing considerably ...
azur 540A/640A V2 - Hi-Fi systems and high quality home audio from Cambridge Audio 540A/640A V2.0Integrated amplifier Azur integrated amplifier 3 Thank you for purchasing this Cambridge Audio Azur range amplifier. These version 2 models are part of our commitment to the on-going development of the Azur range. We hope that you will appre
貨真價實甚至物超所值-Cambridge Azur 340C/340A組合 - U-Audio 試聽報告 既然機箱與面板共用,Azur 340的功能與Azur 640是完全相同的,機箱也同樣有銀色與黑色兩種選擇。這部份的說明可以參考先前Azur 640C與Azur 640A V2.0的介紹英國音響雜誌雙重推薦,就不在這裡重複介紹。