Coffeehouse - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Coffeehouse and coffee shop are related terms for an establishment which primarily serves prepared coffee and other hot beverages. Café or cafe or caff may refer to a coffeehouse, bar, tea room, small and cheap ...
咖啡_互動百科 (商業用途,一次可磨出一磅以上或以下之咖啡粉。) 研磨咖啡豆最應註意的是以下二點: 降低研摩熱。(研磨熱將導緻咖啡香味提早溢散) 顆粒大小均一。 ...
Cannabis coffee shop - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Grasshopper is a cannabis coffee shop in the city center of Amsterdam, ... from Belgium, Germany and France), who can also buy cannabis in their own ...
List of coffeehouse chains - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia This is a list of coffeehouse chains around the world. This list ... Pennsylvania. Cuppy's Coffee - former chain, founded in Fort Walton Beach, Florida, U.S. ...
茶餐廳 - 維基百科,自由嘅百科全書 喺香港,茶餐廳遍佈各區,營業時間唔定,通常由朝早6點至凌晨1點,旺角等呢啲繁忙地區嘅茶餐廳重可能通宵營業。 茶餐廳係一種地道香港嘅食肆,主要顧客係啲可以負擔一般消費嘅普羅大眾。佢嘅主要特色包括:
Kissaten - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A kissaten (喫茶店), literally a "tearoom," is a Japanese-style tearoom that is also a coffee shop. Kissaten are particularly popular among students and business ...
Café — Wikipédia Le café (de l'arabe قهوة : qahweh) est une boisson obtenue à partir des graines du caféier, un arbuste du genre Coffea. La culture du café est très développée dans de nombreux pays tropicaux, dans des plantations qui sont cultivées pour les marchés d'expo
An Cafe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Antic Cafe (アンティック-珈琲店-, Antikku Kafe?, nicknamed An Cafe)[1] is a Japanese pop rock band formed in 2003[2] and signed to Sony Music Japan. Their visual image is oshare kei,[2][3] and they describe their music as "Harajuku Dance Rock".[1] The group has re
TL Virtual Cafe - home Level Up Your Blog - Taking Your Blog to the Next Level! Does your blog need an epic win? How to add extra pages, engage guest bloggers, & how to make your blog your triumphant one stop shop and main web presence. with Sue Waters, The Edublogger
Cafe吉祥寺で - Wikipedia 2008年9月29日から同年12月26日まで、テレビ東京系にて平日11:50から12:26(JST)に放送。キャラクターの設定などはドラマCD・漫画とは大きく異なり、天然ボケ気味のお嬢様ミーナがオーナーを務めるCafe吉祥寺を舞台に、潔癖症のギャルソン秀太、女好き ...