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Cable Gland 廠商,製造 Cable Gland工廠 製造商!Cable Gland批發 - 貿易黃頁型錄 Cable Gland(Cable Gland工廠)-文筆天天網 B2B 台灣黃頁貿易型錄-供應Cable Gland批發 製造廠商品,採購台灣及中國大陸進出口公司、批發商、製造商生產Cable Gland廠商+產品訊息介紹,提供企業免費刊登廣告銷售「Cable Gland」公司貿易行銷推廣,讓買家搜尋 ...
Cable gland tools | Weidmüller Product Catalogue [G] [EN] Cable gland tools Information: display | hide Screwing tool for fixing and loosening cable glands and accessories in the sizes 11-36 AF. Can reach over several rows of glands No deforming of the cable glands Spanner size 11 to 36 mm Infinite adjustment of
cable gland 國內怎麼翻譯啊,cable gland專業中文說法?_知道 最佳答案: 一般都是直接譯音的吧 填料函、防水填料函、防爆填料函、電纜填料函、戈蘭頭、電纜格蘭頭、防水電纜戈蘭頭、防爆電纜戈蘭頭 廣州晟然 ...
LEADING RANGE OF CABLE GLANDS SOLUTIONS Cable gland wrench can be used even in the applications with a high density of glands side by side. Self ratcheting, to lock or unlock glands easily. The tools fit to a standard handle bar and come in all standard SW sizes of plastic and brass Hex glands.
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cable gland 國內怎麼翻譯啊,cable gland專業中文說法?_360問答 cable gland 國內怎麼翻譯啊,cable gland專業中文說法? 本人要找一種叫cable gland的東西,但不知準備的中文翻譯是什麼,只知道是種固定電纜用的材料。 一般都是直接譯音的吧 填料函、防水填料函、防爆填料函、電纜填料函、戈蘭頭、電纜格蘭頭、防水 ...
PG Type Nylon Cable Gland 製造商,出口商, 供應商 PG Type Nylon Cable Gland 製造商,出口商, 供應商, 公司, 工廠, 中國最佳的 PG Type Nylon Cable Gland 分銷商 登陸 | 註冊 | | 中文 | 幫助 首頁 供應商 產品目錄 求購信息
Cable Glands, Connectors and Accessories Exd/Exe For Worldwide Applications - About CMP Products With CMP Products you can discuss the whole range of cable gland sizes used during the execution of a typical project development. You could say that terminating cables is our business. More About CMP ...
73 for Global Connection Solutions - Documenten 77 Cable Glands Selection Chart SB 474 CSB 656 & 656N 121 123 150 / RAC 151 / RAC 153 / RAC 153 / RAC L 153 UNIV 114 153/X 701 711 710 753 755 Gland Type/Function Industrial Industrial ( UL Wet Locations ) Dual certified EExe / EExd Certified IECEx