auto 關鍵字 - MSDN - Microsoft auto 關鍵字是一個宣告指定名稱。 不過,C++ 標準為此關鍵字定義了原始和修訂的意義。 在Visual C++ 2010 以前,auto 關鍵字會在「自動」(Automatic) 儲存類別中 ...
auto 關鍵字(類型推斷) - MSDN - Microsoft auto 關鍵字會指示編譯器使用宣告變數的初始化運算式推算其型別。 ... 運算式可以是在以範圍為基礎的for 陳述式(C++) 陳述式中的for-range-declaration 參數。
自動關鍵字(型別推算) - MSDN - Microsoft auto 關鍵字會指示編譯器使用宣告變數的初始化運算式推算其型別。 注意事項. 在Visual C++ 2010之前, auto 關鍵字是自動儲存類別的規範。 該用法現在是錯誤。
C++ keywords: auto - - C++ Reference 2014年2月11日 - C++ language ... auto specifier (C++11) .... Retrieved from "" ...
auto specifier - C++ Reference 2014年6月28日 - 1) When declaring variables in block scope, in namespace scope, in init statements of for loops, etc, the keyword auto may be used as the type ...
c++ - Is there any reason to use the 'auto' keyword in C++03 ... 2009年6月25日 - Note this question was originally posted in 2009, before C++11 was ... auto is a storage class specifier, static , register and extern too. You can ...
c++ - The new keyword "auto"; When should it be used to ... 2011年8月1日 - This question has been asked before and already has an answer. If those answers do not fully address your question, please ...
types - C++ auto keyword. Why is it magic? - Stack Overflow 2011年9月28日 - From all the material I used to learn C++, auto has always been a ... auto was a keyword that C++ "inherited" from C that had been there nearly ...
c++ - How much is too much with C++0x auto keyword ... 2011年6月22日 - I've been using the new auto keyword available in the C++0x standard ... I think that one should use the auto keyword whenever it's hard to say ...
C++11 - Auto, Decltype and return values after functions ... Note: C++11 is the now offical name for the next version of the C++ standard, ... start by looking at the most immediately obvious new benefit, the auto keyword.