Tru64 UNIX Software HP Tru64 UNIX on Alpha systems ... The Java Platform, Standard Edition, Development Kit (JDK) for HP OpenVMS is distributed with OpenVMS and is available for download.
C Shell Scripts If a shell script written in a given scripting language must run under the ... bin/csh if ($#argv == 0) then echo "No number to classify" else if ($#argv > 0) then set ...
if-else syntax in csh | Unix Linux Forums | Shell Programming and ... Dear friends, I am writing a script usiing c-shell. iwant if -else syntax in c-shell i have taken twovariables and in one variable iam storing ...
L04 – C Shell Scripting - Part 2 1. Control Structures: if then else 2 ... Last time we worked on the basics of putting together a C Shell script. Now, it is ... else echo “you lose. try again.” endif if ($number > 0 && $number < 5) then.
If-Else Statement in csh Shell - If-Else Statement in csh Shell. if ( Expression1 ) then block A1 else if ( Expression2 ) block A2 else if ( Expression3 ) block A3 ... else if ( Expression i-1 ) block ...
[轉貼] UNIX C Shell 程式設計 - 中山大學西灣WEB-BBS - 國立中山大學 □C-Shell 程式設計介紹□ SHELL SCRIPT也就是可讓csh執行的檔案之稱呼,它 .... if? else if? mkdir mydir if? endif 第四型if (expr) then command(s) else if (expr) ...
Some simple examples - Starlink Let's start with a few elementary scripts to show that script writing isn't difficult, ... bin/csh if ( $#argv == 0 ) then echo Error: no file name supplied else if ( -e $1 ...
csh/C shell scripts: if statement syntax | a Tech-Recipes Tutorial Conditional expressions give programs life. The ability to branch makes shell scripts powerful. This recipe shows the basic if then else structure for csh, the C ...
IF –Then –ELSE example IF –Then –ELSE example. #!/bin/csh. #. #. #This script takes a filename as a command line ... #If no arguement is provided, or the file doesn't exist ( or the user.
shell - tcsh script if statement - Stack Overflow ... scen), but can't figure out how to use the if statements in the tcsh shell script. ... Square brackets are sh/bash/ksh/zsh syntax, not csh/tcsh.