BBC UK China - 商務英語- The business trip 出差 2012年10月3日 ... Anna and Tom are on a very important business trip to try and sign a deal to sell their plastic fruit to a company in France. The company has ...
go on a business trip什麽意思_go on a business trip中文翻譯是:出差 ... go on a business trip的中文意思:出差…,點擊查查權威綫上辭典詳細解釋go on a business trip的中文翻譯,go on a business trip的發音,音標,用法和例句等。
出差”的英文該怎麼說? - Yahoo!奇摩知識+ 2007年5月19日 ... He goes for a business, so he will not in the office these few days. 這樣的說法 正確嗎? 只要把for 改為on, 然後business 後接trip 即可. 通常出差會 ...
go on a business trip什么意思_go on a business trip中文翻译是:出差 ... go on a business trip的中文意思:出差…,点击查查权威在线词典详细解释go on a business trip的中文翻译,go on a business trip的发音,音标,用法和例句等。
海外出差,這4句常見英文別說錯! - 職場力- 英文學習- 戒掉爛英文 ... 2014年3月6日 ... Chris在外商工作,經常會有機會到海外出差,偶爾也要接待海外同事。 ... 出差英文 叫做go on a business trip沒錯,但英文習慣先講重點,到新加坡 ...
Eztalk美语【136】on a business trip 出差去 - 世博英语 2010年7月27日 ... 剧码: Office Talk 汤姆出差去…… Joe: Good afternoon. I'd like to speak with Tom Smith. Helen: I'm afraid he's away from his desk at the moment ...
「出差」的英文怎麼說? - Sammy 老師來幫大家學英文囉! 2014年3月24日 ... (我上周在日本出差。) = I was in Japan on business last week. (2) 用動詞go 的句型 : go to某國或都市on business / go on a business trip to 某國或 ...
be on a business trip是什么意思_be on a business trip的翻译_音标_ ... I will be on a business trip, maybe I can not reply to your mail immediately. 我现在 要去出差,可能无法及时回复你的邮件。有什么事情请直接与##联系。 来自互联网.
Travel vs Trip – Difference | Woodward English Travel – a verb (the action) Trip – a noun. Susan's husband isn't in town at the moment; he is on a business trip. He travels to many different countries.
Business travel - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Business travel is travel done in the course of business or work, other than the daily commuting between home and workplace.