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Nuclear weapon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia A nuclear weapon is an explosive device that derives its destructive force from nuclear reactions, either fission or a combination of fission and fusion. Both reactions release vast quantities of energy from relatively small amounts of matter. The first f
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ABFITT Ehreck Wes: Nutrition is the number one most important thing when it come to stage prep or even training in general it allows you to maximize your gains and can help you achieve that razor sharp physique you need, to be able to place well, and really stan
TUMEKE! Mana got 24k votes last time, and got 34k this time - so an improvement. More party votes this time than the Maori Party - a watershed moment lost in all the chronic post-election grieving. There were mistakes on the campaign - as there will be - but a ma
Nuclear weapon design - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Nuclear reactions [edit] Nuclear fission splits heavier atoms to form lighter atoms. Nuclear fusion bonds together lighter atoms to form heavier atoms. Both reactions generate roughly a million times more energy than comparable chemical reactions, making
Main/New Powers as the Plot Demands - Television Tropes & Idioms The New Powers As The Plot Demands trope as used in popular culture, with a list of examples from all media. ... As for the Ki sensing, it wasn't that Frieza and his minions couldn't do it, but they didn't know that it even could be done. Vegeta mentioned
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ISIS is beheading children, and Obama drops two bombs - Allen B. West - During my morning run, I pondered last night’s address by President Obama regarding the current situation in Iraq. What immediately struck me was that Obama spent more time talking about what he did not want to do than really defining what needed to be do
George Washington's Blog: How Could They Plant Bombs in the World Trade Center? Recently, a smart, accomplished person told me: "I don't believe that the World Trade Center could have been destroyed by controlled demolition . . . how could they have possibly planted bombs without anyone seeing them?" In fact, there were plenty of ...