藍光光碟 - 维基百科 藍光光碟 ( Blu-ray Disc ,简称 BD ,又作 蓝光光碟 )是 DVD 之後的下一代 光碟 格式之一,用以儲存高品質的影音以及高容量的資料。 藍光光碟是由 索尼 及 松下電器 等企業組成的 藍光光碟聯盟 (Blu-ray Disc Association)策劃的次 ...
藍光光碟 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 並沒有購買相關專利許可,因此原始系統並沒有播放支援。最新的電腦大部分已配備了藍光光碟機 ;但麥金塔電腦並無配備藍光光碟機,使用者通常需要外接藍光光碟機。基於這兩點,便促使了藍光播放器軟體的出現。 主流軟體 [編輯] 最初這一些播放器 ...
Blu-ray, Blu-ray Movies, Blu-ray Players, Blu-ray Reviews Everything about Blu-ray Disc. Blu-ray reviews, releases, news, guides and forums covering Blu-ray movies, players, recorders, drives, media, software and much more. ... For the week that ended on January 26th, Sony Pictures Home Entertainment's Captain .
Blu-ray Disc - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Blu-ray Disc (BD) is a digital optical disc data storage format designed to supersede the DVD format. The plastic disc is 120 mm in diameter and 1.2 mm thick, the same size as DVDs and CDs. Conventional (pre-BD-XL) Blu-r ...
YESASIA: Blu-ray藍光影碟 – 亞洲影畫全區碼Blu-ray,和香港版,日本版,韓國版,台灣版,中國版等亞洲電影,附英文字幕 ... 購買暢銷和最新亞洲影畫全區碼Blu-ray藍光影碟, 和日本,韓國,中國,香港,台灣,泰國等 Blu-ray亞洲電影和片集,附英文字幕 – 郵費全免
Blu-ray Disc™: Please select your preference This is the official web site of the Blu-ray Disc Association, the group of companies dedicated to developing and promoting the Blu-ray Disc format. © Copyright 2012 Blu-ray Disc Association All rights reserved. Blu-ray Disc is a trademark owned by Blu-ra
Sony 藍光影碟 / DVD 影碟播放機 - Sony Store, Online(Hong Kong) Sony Blu-ray Disc/DVD Player,Blu-ray Disc/DVD Player ,buy Sony Blu-ray Disc/DVD Player 家用視聽設備 藍光影碟 / DVD 影碟播放機 [ 對本網頁的意見] 共 0 件產品,找到 0 件產品符合搜尋 很抱歉,
Blu-ray Disc Association Welcome to the Blu-ray Disc Association This is the official web site of the Blu-ray Disc Association, the group of companies dedicated to developing and promoting the Blu-ray Disc format. This site is aimed at industry insiders, analysts and members of t
What is Blu-ray? (Blu-ray, Blu-ray Disc, not Blue-ray or Blu-ray DVD) Blu-ray, also known as Blu-ray Disc (BD), is the name of a new optical disc format that offers more than five times the storage capacity of traditional DVDs. The format was developed to enable recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video (HD
PChome線上購物 - BD-R / BD-RE 藍光片 進口品質,國產價格 藍光BD-R 亮面可列印 網路價 $789 詳 DigiStone 國際版 藍光 6X BD-R 25GB 桶裝 (50片 ... 適用於藍光錄放影機的藍光光碟 抗紫外線、耐高溫 互換性高,可 ...