BitTorrent - Delivering the World's Content Free, open-source file-sharing application effective for distributing very large software and media files. Documentation, FAQ, search-engine.
BitTorrent Sync 流量、空間無上限!P2P 檔案/硬碟分享、遠端資料夾共用工具 | 重灌狂人 大家可能都聽過、用過 Dropbox 等雲端硬碟、網路儲存服務,不過這類服務大部分都有儲存空間的上限,真的拿來分享檔案的話,如果下載的人數一多也很容易被砍檔或停用。 如果你有很多東西要分享給很多人,但不希望有儲存空間或下載次數、頻寬的 ...
Sync - Android Apps on Google Play BitTorrent Sync for Android gives you access to all of your synced folders when you're on the ... By downloading or using this app, you agree to the Terms of Use ...
BitTorrent Sync - Official Site What people are saying @wilw I’ve been using @BitTorrentSync as a replacement, and it’s been flawless, easy, and reliable. @iordanou If you want to exchange files between computers, one of the best ways to do it is with BitTorrent Sync. @jfqbsh BitTorrent
BitTorrent Sync - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia BitTorrent Sync by BitTorrent, Inc is a proprietary peer-to-peer file synchronization tool available for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, iOS, Windows Phone and BSD. It can sync files between devices on a local network, or between remote devices over the Int
Labs | The Official BitTorrent Blog Introducing BitTorrent Sync 1.4: An Easier Way to Share Large Files by Erik Pounds on August 26, 2014 With new sharing features and a redesigned user experience, version 1.4 brings cloud-free sync to a wider audience BitTorrent Sync began as a technology
BitTorrent Sync – 分佈式私密無限數據分享/同步 - 小眾軟體 BitTorrent Sync 是 BitTorrent Labs 推出的實驗性項目,可以在多台電腦間進行點對點自動分享/同步文件,由於沒有中間伺服器,傳輸過程加密,安.....
Introducing BitTorrent Sync 1.4: An Easier Way to Share Large Files | The Official BitTorrent Blog BitTorrent Sync is a sync-n-share application that bypasses the cloud, delivering on security, speed and user control. Today, we're unveiling version 1.4 of Sync, a big update that ...
BitTorrent Sync Sync easily moves anything, anywhere - all the benefits of the cloud, none of the limitations. Available for Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, and Android.
BitTorrent Sync - Download Download BitTorrent Sync for your smartphone or desktop. Share and synchronize your files between devices, family, and co-workers.