BEECHLER吹嘴測試報告- SAX‧樂器、吹嘴與配備討論Sax Instrument ... 前兩天收到的Beechler Alto的繳嘴,是寄過來要給我測試的,我一開始沒有很大的 期望,因為本身有一大堆的吹嘴了,而且已交嘴來說我相當西 ...
請問BEECHLER金屬吹嘴- SAX‧樂器、吹嘴與配備討論Sax Instrument ... 沒買BEECHLER金屬吹嘴,卻在機緣下換了個Meyer 6M膠嘴,和Claude Lakey 7*3 很不一樣啊!還在適應中,不過我似乎比較喜歡這Meyer 。
Alto 吹嘴Beechler #7 吹嘴正面. 束環是六點式束環,能使音色更加亮麗 束環的螺牙已經請樂器師傅重新攻 過 擺脫原廠束環容易脫牙的老毛病 光是這個環,就很有價值了. 吹嘴黃片側.
Saxophone Mouthpieces Beechler ARB Quality saxophone mouthpieces from Beechler and ARB. If you are looking for a special saxophone mouthpiece made from the finest materials by one of the ...
Beechler Metal BELLITE Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece | WWBW Get the guaranteed lowest price on the Beechler Metal BELLITE Alto Saxophone Mouthpiece at WWBW. Nobody has more new and used music instruments and ...