ASUS Zenbook Prime UX31A 評測,Full HD IPS 螢幕登場! | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西 不少人都應該已經在等著新一代 Ultrabook 的改版 更新,其中 Zenbook Prime 也是許多人心中的首選之一。 ... ...
筆記型電腦- ASUS ZENBOOK UX31A - ASUS 本網站所提到的產品規格及資訊僅提供參考,內容會隨時更新,恕不另行通知。 ... 產品規格. 產品照片. 評論. 哪裡買. 加入比較表. 列印此頁. 相似產品. 專屬配件.
ASUS ZENBOOK - ASUS Discover the ASUS Zenbook series laptops, equally compact and powerful. Immerse yourself in incredible computing ...
華碩ASUS Zenbook Prime UX31A FullHD 與UX31E 評測比較 ... 2012年6月18日 ... 在研討會時,我們看到兩台搭載Ivy Bridge 的Zenbook Prime UX21A 與UX31A, 除了型號改變(搭載Sandy Bridge 的為UX21E ..... Sony 首款智慧手環Smartband SWR10 初步開箱體驗.
ASUS Zenbook Prime UX31A 評測,Full HD IPS 螢幕登場 ... 2012年5月24日 - UX31A 帶著Full HD IPS 螢幕和背光鍵盤現身,也升級到了Ivy Bridge 處理器,讓筆電三個最重要的元素:「輸入、處理、輸出」都得到了高規的升級, ... ASUS Zenbook Prime UX31A 評測,Full HD IPS 螢幕登場! .... 開箱體驗招募中!
13 吋全高清薄機:ASUS ZENBOOK Prime UX31A 搶先試 - 科技新聞 - ASUS 討論區 - ePrice.HK 若是你覺得 Intel 力推的 Ultrabook 筆電已經變不出新花樣的話,不妨來看看華碩將在近期推出的 ZENBOOK Prime UX31A。這台掛上了 Prime 名號的 13 吋 Ultrabook 新機,規格上可不只是換上 Intel 的 Ivy Bridge 新處理器平台而已,更特別之處在於內建 1920 x ...
Asus Zenbook Prime UX31A review | Laptops and netbooks Reviews | TechRadar Asus Zenbook Prime UX31A review | The Asus Ultrabook range gets an upgrade, but will a 1080p screen make this high-end laptop worth its hefty price tag? Reviews | TechRadar ... When Ultrabooks were first introduced by Intel, one of the first models to sho
ASUS Zenbook Prime UX31A Ultrabook review: a high-res display, and a much-improved keyboard PCMark Vantage 3DMark06 ASUS Zenbook Prime UX31A (1.7GHz Core i5-3317U, Intel HD Graphics 4000) 12,494 4,989 Apple MacBook Air (2012, 1.8GHz Core i5, Intel HD Graphics 4000) 13,469 5,827 Acer Aspire S5 (1.9GHz Core i7-3517U, Intel HD Graphics ...
ASUS bringing Zenbook Prime UX21A, UX31A, UX32A and UX32VD to the US, prices start at $799 Still no word on pricing for the smaller UX21A, though we know it will be offered in two flavors: one ...
Notebooks & Ultrabooks - ASUS ZENBOOK UX31A - ASUS ASUS ZENBOOK PRIME delivers the world’s most advanced ultrabook PC. Presented in UX21A (11.6”) and UX31A (13.3”) versions, ZENBOOK PRIME boasts a unique artistic ultra-thin and ultra-light design, enhanced with 3rd generation Intel® Core i7 ...