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How to replace your Asus Transformer Battery, TF101", Transformer TF300, Transformer TF201 - YouTube How to replace you Asus Eee Pad Transformer TF101, TF300, TF201.
Asus Transformer Tablet Root for TF101/TF201/TF300/TF700T (Not Supporting) - YouTube Link: ---------- WORKS WITH UPDATED: 10/03/2012 Latest Supported Versions: v9.2.1.27 for the TF101 (ICS 4.0.3) v9.2.2.6 for the TF101G (ICS 4.0.3) (3G version) v9.4.2.28 for the TF201...
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Asus Transformer Pad TF300 review - CNET - Product reviews and prices, software downloads, and tech Though it isn't as thin or as sturdy, the Asus Transformer Pad TF300 delivers Prime levels of performance at a more affordable price. ... The TF300 measures 0.38 inch thick -- compared with the Prime's 0.32-inch thickness -- and the plastic outer shell do