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A.I. Artificial Intelligence (2001) - IMDb Directed by Steven Spielberg. With Haley Joel Osment, Frances O'Connor, Sam Robards, Jake Thomas. A highly advanced robotic boy longs to become "real" so that he can regain the love of his human mother.
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AI winter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In the history of artificial intelligence, an AI winter is a period of reduced funding and interest in artificial intelligence research.[1] The term was coined by analogy to the idea of a nuclear winter. The field has experienced several cycles of hype, f
【紐西蘭技術移民指南】有移民分的672個職業清單(2014年672更新版)_百倫移民留學=紐西蘭留學簽證100%免中介 ... ANZSCO 英文名稱 中文名稱 411511 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker 原住民和托雷斯海峽島民保健員 141999 Accommodation and Hospitality Managers 住宿和酒店經理 311111 Agricultural Technician 農業技術員 411111 Ambulance Officer
[紐西蘭技術移民指南21]-附件2:紐西蘭672個可移民職業清單 - Jack Liu博客 紐西蘭一共將665個職業定義為可以申請技術移民的技能職業,原則上任何一位申請技術移民的申請人,都將以下麵清單中的某一個職位來做技術移民申請...