Acer Aspire One 532G first to feature NVIDIA Ion 2 switchable graphics Playback 1080p on external screen for viewing Hi-Def content with friends and family 2010-02-15 - The new Acer Aspire One 532G sets the netbook trend in the digital world where Hi-Def viewing online is growing dramatically. Acer presents the world's first
MWC 2010:Acer Aspire One 532G 意外現身! 繼 Aspire One 532 / 532h 之後,宏碁在今年的 MWC 再度加碼,推出 Ion 2 版本的 Aspire One 523G。 外表看上去跟 Aspire One 523 / 532h 並沒有太大的差異,不過在 Ion 2 的加持下,這傢伙更添播放 HD 影片的能力,隨之而來,螢幕也升級到 HD 解析
Acer Aspire One 532G:首台ION 2並支援Optimus | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西 新一代的Pine Trail平台Atom N450迷你筆電的表現並沒有很亮眼,只好把希望掛在ION 2上面,而千呼萬喚,ION 2終於有個影子,Acer Aspire One 532G不但採用ION 2平台,而且還支援了自動切換顯示的Optimus技術,十分令人期待。
宏碁上網本: ION 2平臺配獨顯 宏碁新款Aspire One 532G_第三媒體筆記本(Notebook)頻道 宏碁筆記本(Notebook)宏碁上網本: ION 2平臺配獨顯 宏碁新款Aspire One 532G ... 十大熱門筆記本(Notebook)驅動/軟件下載 1 [筆記本驅動]Intel英特爾 Centrino mobile(移動迅馳技術)... 2 [筆記本驅動]Toshiba 東芝筆記本Hotkey Utility熱鍵工具2...
Acer Aspire One - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Acer Aspire One is a diverse line of netbooks released in July 2008 by Acer Inc. Many characteristics of a particular model of Acer Aspire One are dictated by the CPU platform chosen. 由於此網站的設置,我們無法提供該頁面的具體描述。
Aspire One 532g - 相關圖片搜尋結果
Acer's Aspire One 532G Is First Netbook With NVIDIA's Ion 2 Graphics Architecture - Design - Science - Cities - Tips - Deals - Apple - Google - Microsoft - Sploid - Paleofuture S Acer's keen on racking up lots of firsts for its netbook arm, with this Aspire One 532G having the claim of being the world's first to use NVIDIA
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