asp 中關於while......wend 的問題_知道 提問者採納: 錯誤應該在: else if cstr(rs("id"))=a then else if ..Then ElseIf 中間不能有空格
關於asp裡面的(do while loop )(while wend )(for next)運行的時間 - 城桿
While...Wend 陳述式 - ECAA, NTU 說明 只要指定的條件式為 True ,則會重複執行一系列的陳述式。 語法 While condition [statements] Wend While ...
ASP while wend 死迴圈程序出不去了_知道 網友採納: 我看你寫的沒有問題 要不你試試這個 do while not rs.eof 語句 rs.movenex loop
While not EOF in another while not EOF not working in ASP CLASSIC While not EOF in another while not EOF not working in ASP ... Is this illegal in ASP Classic code? .... MoveNext() Wend con.movefirst con.
While...Wend Statement - MSDN - Microsoft If condition is True, all statements are executed until the Wend statement is encountered. Control then returns to the While statement and condition is again ...
While...Wend Statement - MSDN - Microsoft If condition is True, all statements in statements are executed until the Wend statement is encountered. Control then returns to the While statement and condition ...
Microsoft: ASP (Active Server Pages) - While Wend vs. Do While ... Am I correct that vbScript does not have a command for exiting a While Wend loop? Should I use a Do While Loop instead if I want to have an ...
VBScript While. . . Wend Statement - Sun Chili!Soft ASP · Sun Microsystems ... While...Wend loops can be nested to any level. Each Wend matches the most recent While. The following example ...
While : Wend - PureBasic Wend will loop until the becomes false. A good point to keep in mind with a While test is that if the first test is false, then the program will never ...