ASCII Art Viewer - ASCII Art 檢視器 - PChome 下載 ASCII Art Viewer - ASCII Art 檢視器, ASCII Art Viewer 是一款能夠顯示文字檔中的 ASCII Art 的檢視器,它能夠讓使用者以最標準的方式開啟以 ASCII Art 方式製作的檔案,並且還 ... - ASCII ART ___ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ / __\ |__ _ __(_)___| |_ ___ _ __ | |__ ___ _ __ \ \ ___ | |__ _ __ ___ ___ _ __( )___ / / | '_ \| '__| / __| __|/ _ \| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \ '__| \ \/ _ \| '_ \| '_ \/ __|/ ... - ASCII ART Tutorial for those who want to try making ASCII art. Site also has very large alphabetically listed colletction of art. Links to FAQS and other ASCII art pages.
ASCII art - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The widespread usage of ASCII art can be traced to the computer bulletin board systems of the late 1970s and early 1980s. The limitations of computers of that time period necessitated the use of text characters to represent images. Along with ASCII's use
Ascii Art Dictionary (Andreas Freise) Collection by Andreas Freise. Includes animations, FAQs and links. Very large collection of ASCII art from the newsgroup and web pages, listed by subject.
Ascii Arts - 相關圖片搜尋結果
點陣式圖片產生器 (ASCII Art Generator) | 重灌狂人 ASCII Art是一種將圖片、文字內容轉成以符號來拼湊、排列成形的繪圖方式,之前介紹過很多可以直接將照片轉成符號圖案的軟體。剛剛又看到一個類似的網站,比較特別的是,除了貼上圖片、轉成ASCII圖之外,還提供了一個「Text to ASCII」的功能,可以將 ...
ASCII藝術 - 維基百科,自由的百科全書 ASCII藝術又名文字圖、字符畫,這種主要依靠電腦表現的藝術形式是指使用電腦字符(主要是ASCII)來表達圖片,時常利用到表情符號。它可以由文字編輯器生成。很多ASCII藝術要求使用定寬字型(固定寬度的字型,例如在傳統打字機上使用的字型)來顯示 ...
.:| ASCII Art |:. by Sebastian Stöcker (SSt) A collection of ASCII Art pictures posted in de.alt.rec.ascii-art.
ASCII Generator - network science - Homepage Generate an ASCII graphic from a word or text. Over 130 figlet fonts.