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Android USB Host + Arduino: How to communicate without rooting your Android Tablet or Phone | Using Hello! We are working on a project that uses a FTDI USB-to-serial converter and have been struggling with communicating between Android and the device. Your comment for the FTDI chip helps, but maybe isn’t exactly correct for us. We are trying to write a
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SainSmart 3D Printing, Arduino, Robotics | Sainsmart Robotics and Arduino are two peas in a pod, but for many of us they seem like difficult concepts to grasp. The truth of the matter is that you can make a robot or Arduino project as sophisticated as you can imagine, but these projects should also be fun a
Get Your Arduino Online with an ENC28J60 By Nathan Hein Nathan Hein The ENC28J60 is an ethernet shield for Arduino that cost LESS than $10. Learn how to connect an ENC28J70 with this step-by-step tutorial. ... Open your web browser of choice, surf to that IP, and rejoice when you see the following: In your router’s DHCP .