衛星圖像廊 - Hong Kong Observatory-Official Authority For Hong Kong Weather Forecas 沙塵暴/火災/火山灰 拍攝日期 簡述 廣東的山火 2005年1月16日 2005年1月16日在廣東內陸發生山火。 秋天在珠江三角洲的煙霞 2004年10月30日及 2004年11月1日 在2004年10月30日一股偏東氣流正影響香港,這股氣流擋住了在香港西北面的煙霞。
Aqua - Official Site The purpose of NASA’s Aqua website is to provide freely-accessible information on the Internet where colleagues, constituents, and the science attentive public can obtain information on NASA's Aqua satellite, including on-board instruments, science teams,
MODIS Website The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer website that houses all central information on the MODIS project ... The MODIS Data section contains everything from ATBDs to Product Descriptions to tutorials on ordering MODIS data ...
繞極衛星 繞極軌道衛星因為它的軌道沿著地球近乎南北方向不停地在環繞地球,每繞地球一週 ... 美國繞極軌道氣象衛星觀測所得的*AVHRR影像,包括兩個可見光影像、兩個 ...
Water Vapor (1 month - Aqua/MODIS) | NASA Depending upon its temperature, water comes in three different forms: solid (ice), liquid (rain drops), and gas (invisible to human eyes). As water grows hotter it eventually changes from a liquid into a gas. This gas is called water vapor. Water vapor is
太空遙測中心 - Center for Space and Remote Sensing Research National Central http://modis.gsfc.nasa.gov/ 美國太空總署 Terra 衛星搭載著 MODIS ,於 1999 年 12 月 18 日 成功發射,並於 2000 年 2 月 24 日 開始收集資料。而載有 MODIS 探測器之 Aqua 衛星則於 2002 年 5 月 4 日 成功地發射,目前運轉正常。
Terra - Official Site Terra is helping scientists unravel the mysteries of climate and environmental change.
QuickBird - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia QuickBird was a high-resolution commercial earth observation satellite, owned by DigitalGlobe launched in 2001 and [3]decayed in 2015 [4] was the first satellite in a constellation of three scheduled to be in orbit by 2008. QuickBird used Ball Aerospace's
Rapid Response | EOSDIS - Earthdata Website Rapid Response Rapid Response provides imagery from the MODIS instrument. All imagery can be viewed through Worldview. To help users, the imagery have been organized into 10 application categories to assist users in monitoring and analyzing a variety of .
JAXA | 地球観測衛星「Aqua」 - JAXA|宇宙航空研究開発機構 「地球観測衛星「Aqua」」を掲載しています。 -独立行政法人 宇宙航空研究開発機構 JAXA(ジャクサ)は、宇宙航空分野の基礎研究から開発・利用に至るまで一貫して行う機関です。