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專利情報:蘋果與三星互告事件觀察 ... 中央地區法院對三星提出侵權控訴,指出三星Galaxy S 、Galaxy S2、Galaxy tab等產品有涉嫌抄襲iPhone 3G。蘋果還要求三星賠償1億韓元(約新台幣267 ...
Samsung - 全部型號 - Galaxy Win (i8552) 規格與手機介紹 | ePrice 比價王 Samsung Galaxy Win(i8552)是三星在 2013 年中推出的另一款雙卡手機。與 Galaxy Grand 同樣主打大螢幕與好操控特性,配備 4.7 吋 WVGA TFT,更將升級至 1.2GHz 四核心處理器,不僅在上網、遊戲、開啟程式時有更快的運行速度,面對多工處理也有更餘裕 ...
Apple, Samsung win some, lose some in patent case - CNET Apple, Samsung win some, lose some in patent case A jury tells Samsung to pay Apple $119.6 million for infringing some of its patents, while Apple owes Samsung $158,400 for infringing one of the Korean company's patents.
Apple (United Kingdom) Apple designs and creates iPod and iTunes, Mac laptop and desktop computers, the OS X operating system, and the revolutionary iPhone and iPad.
SAMSUNG (Windows Phone) - Mobile01 Samsung ATIV S 讓WP8手機也有大螢幕的選擇 在微軟發表會上公佈首波的Window Phone 8... Samsung i8000 McGuider兩岸四地之北京導航測試分享 扭蛋來到北京也已經半年了,不過說實話,這邊的地方實在... 【Omina B7300 Lite】不可能的任務之WM手機初 ...
Jury Orders Samsung to Pay $119 Million to Apple in Patent Case - WSJ One legal analyst called the verdict a victory for Samsung. "This amount is less than 10% of the amount Apple requested and probably doesn't surpass by too much the amount Apple spent litigating this case," said Brian Love, assistant professor at Santa Cl
Apple’s $120 Million Win Over Samsung Called Small Change - Bloomberg Apple Inc. (AAPL)’s $120 million verdict against Samsung Electronics Co. (005930) in a trial over smartphone technology, after seeking $2 billion, may not give the mobile-device giants any more incentive to end their four-year global legal battle. The jur