Apple - OS X Mavericks - Do even more with new apps and features. The new OS X is loaded with new features, apps, and technologies that give you the power to do more. And make your Mac even more energy-efficient. ... We want all Mac users to experience the latest features, the most advanced technologies, and the stronge
Apple - OS X - 眾多功能強大的 app 全內建。 你的 Mac 隨附了不同的 app,可讓你收發電子郵件、管理行程、設定提醒事項等等,甚至還附有一款 app 讓你購買新的 app。
OS X - 维基百科,自由的百科全书 跳到 OS X Mavericks - 苹果于2013年6月10日公布了OS X Mavericks,当日起进行开发者测试。 ... 支持OS X Lion的电脑都可由Mac OS X v10.6.8免费升级。
Apple - MacBook Pro - OS X OS X is the operating system that powers every Mac. Built on a rock-solid UNIX ...
OS X: Updating OS X and Mac App Store apps - Apple Support You can get software updates for OS X and apps from the Mac App Store. In Mountain Lion and Mavericks, ... The blue progress bar and download stats within the App Store app. The blue progress bar ...
Apple - Mac 探索Mac 的世界比對MacBook、iMac、Mac Pro 與更多機種。下載QuickTime、Safari 和Widgets,免額外付費。
Apple - OS X Mavericks - 全新app 與功能可進行更多作業 我們要所有Mac 使用者體驗最新的功能,最先進的技術與最安全的保障。如今人人皆可享。因為最新版本OS X 是免額外付費的。只要從Mac App Store 輕鬆下載,再 ...
Apple - 將你的Mac 升級至OS X Mavericks 第一次,你可以免額外付費升級你的Mac 至最新版本的OS X。只要在你的Mac 上點 按Mac App Store 圖像,下載OS X ...
進一步了解Mac App Store - Apple 就像在iPad 與iPhone 上的App Store 選購一樣,Mac App Store 為你在Mac 上瀏覽和購買app 提供無限 ...
OS X - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia In April 2002, eWeek announced a rumor that Apple had a version of Mac OS X code-named Marklar, which ran on Intel x86 processors. The idea behind Marklar was to keep Mac OS X running on an alternative platform should Apple become dissatisfied with the ..