Apple - Magic Trackpad - 專為桌上型電腦設計的 Multi-Touch 觸控板 Magic Trackpad 是第一個針對 Mac 桌上型電腦設計的 Multi-Touch 觸控板,且支援完整 Apple ... Trackpad 透過 Bluetooth 技術連接 Mac。你可以在所有 Mac 電腦或甚至筆記型電腦上,用它代替滑鼠 ...
Magic Trackpad - Apple Store (台灣) 很好用的一款产品,一款可以完美替代Magic Mouse的触摸板!现在基本把magic mouse撂一边,只用trackpad,越用越顺手,很爽!在北京三里屯的苹果店里都没有货,没曾想能在Apple Online上能买到,很棒!快递是嘉里大通,服务也不错。
Apple - Magic Trackpad - 專為桌上型電腦設計的Multi‑Touch 觸 ... Magic Trackpad 是第一個針對Mac 桌上型電腦設計的Multi‑Touch 觸控板,且支援 完整Apple 手勢,供你控制螢幕上的 ...
Magic Trackpad - Apple Store (台灣) Magic Trackpad - 全新的Magic Trackpad 是首款為Mac 桌上型電腦設計的Multi-Touch 觸控板。採用與MacBook Pro 同樣受歡迎的Multi-Touch 技術,可支援所有 ...
誰適合買觸控板?Magic Trackpad 玩給你看| T客邦- 我只推薦 ... 2010年10月4日 - Magic Trackpad早在七月的時候就已經發表了,不過台灣遲遲沒有開賣,到現在台灣的Apple Store才開始正式販售Magic Trackpad,想要添加觸控 ...
Magic Trackpad 使用一個月後的感想… | wa+er. 白蘋果急救室 2010年8月24日 - Orz 官方手勢功能的不足在Apple引入多點觸控技術到Mac OSX上的時候,有不少人開始質疑越來越複雜的手勢違反了直覺操作的需求,這次Magic ...
Apple - Magic Trackpad - Multi‑Touch trackpad for your desktop. Magic Trackpad is the first Multi‑Touch trackpad for Mac desktop computers, and it supports a full set of gestures to let you control what’s onscreen. ... Click Press down anywhere on the Multi‑Touch surface to physically click or double-click. Or, with “
Magic Trackpad - Apple Store (U.S.) - Official Apple Store - The new iPad Air 2 and iPad mini 3 After purchasing the new magic mouse I thought it would be a replacement for my new MBP multi-touch trackpad, but it didn't allow After purchasing the new magic mouse I thought it would be a replacement for my new MBP multi-touch trackpad, but it didn't a
Apple Magic Trackpad® | Staples® - Office Supplies, Printer Ink, Toner, Computers, Printers & Off Shop Staples® for Apple Magic Trackpad®. Enjoy everyday low prices and get everything you need for a home office or business. Get free shipping on orders of $49.99 or greater. Enjoy up to 5% back when you become a rewards member.
Magic Trackpad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The Magic Trackpad is a multi-touch trackpad produced by Apple Inc. Announced on July 27, 2010, it is similar to the trackpad found on the current MacBook family of laptops, albeit 80% larger. The trackpad is fully compatible with Macintosh computers runn