破解Windows 7安裝Magic Mouse的捲動封印 | T客邦 - 我只推薦好東西 筆者最近一直在找藍牙無線鍵鼠,看到Apple的Magic Mouse好像很潮,用了似乎就可以從阿宅變成型男,於是就買了一支來玩。在OS X平台使用的相關評測,小恩恩的這篇文章已經寫得很詳盡,於此便不覆述,至於如何在Windows上揮灑,其實也十分簡單。
Apple Magic Mouse使用設定Windows 7 >> DS研究室 Magic Mouse在Windows 7 上的安裝步驟 首先當然是先安裝賣家提供給我的Windows 7 64 bit的驅動程式囉! 接下來就是啟動NB上的藍芽介面啟動配對( 顯示BlueTooth裝置 ),如果 ...
Apple Magic Mouse Works on Windows 7 | Redmond Pie Apple’s latest mice sensation – the multi-touch capable Magic Mouse introduced iPhone-style touch capabilities in the world of mice for users running OS X. This amazing product of engineering which is ...
鍵盤+ 滑鼠- Apple 支援 Bluetooth 常見問題. 如何安裝電池. 如何設定無線滑鼠或觸控式軌跡板. 如何設定Apple Wireless Keyboard ...
Apple Magic Mouse - Apple Store (U.S.) Apple Magic Mouse - The same Multi-Touch technology first introduced on the revolutionary iPhone comes to the mouse. It’s called Magic Mouse, and it’s the world’s first Multi-Touch mouse. Click anywhere, scroll in any direction, and swipe through images o
Use Apple Magic Mouse On Windows 7 - AddictiveTips - Tech tips to make you smarter Who didn’t see this coming? Apple’s latest multi-touch capable Magic Mouse now works on Windows. Yes you ...
Installing the Apple Magic Mouse on Windows 7 | Random Thoughts - Randosity! Installing the Apple Magic Mouse on Windows 7 Posted in Apple, windows by commorancy on October 25, 2011 ...
如何在Windows 7、Windows 8中安裝Apple Magic Mouse的驅動程式 ... 2013年10月31日 ... 讓Windows及Mac共同使用「Magic Mouse」 從買了MacBook Air及非常有質感的「 Magic Mouse」之後 ...
破解Windows 7安裝Magic Mouse的捲動封印| T客邦- 我只推薦好東西 2010年1月15日 ... 筆者最近一直在找藍牙無線鍵鼠,看到Apple的Magic Mouse好像很潮,用了似乎就 可以從阿宅變成型男, ...
Magic Tools for Windows - Download - Magic Mouse Utilities for ... ... Driver Installer which downloads extracts and installs Apples original Windows driver for the Magic Mouse on any PC.