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iPhone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The iPhone has a minimal hardware user interface, featuring five buttons. The only physical menu button is situated directly below the display, and is called the "Home button" because it closes the active app ...
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iPhone 5S review: Same look, small screen, big potential The iPhone 5S is not a required upgrade, but it's easily the fastest and most advanced Apple smartphone to date. ... Numbers are great, but what does speed really mean in a phone? Sometimes it's hard to appreciate. Boot times aren't all that much faster b
Apple - iPhone 5s - Technical Specifications View all the technical specifications for iPhone 5s, see what comes in the box, and read a list of recommended accessories. ... *To identify your iPhone model number, see For details on LTE support, contact your carrier
Apple網站流出iPhone 5S規格詳細 | Daily Jetso 著數網 從這批網頁截圖中可以看到很多 iPhone 5S 的詳細資料,首先機身 尺寸和重量都和 iPhone 5 完全一樣。兩大新功能都獲得證實: ...
Apple 董事局證實 10 月有不止一台新 iPhone 推出! | Daily Jetso 著數網 一站式生活消費娛樂雜誌,最新優惠情報包括:購物、飲食、超市/便利店、美容化妝、銀行/信用卡、旅游/活動。 ... Apple 董事局成員 Al Gore 在出席南非的 Discovery Invest Leadership Summit 會議時提到「新 iPhone 將會下月推出」(“Not to mention the new ...
5 Apple products coming in 2013 - Fortune 2013年1月4日 - The timing would make sense; Apple launched new iPads in March of 2011 (iPad 2) and 2012 (iPad with retina ... iPhone 5S, June 2013.
Apple Keynote - iPhone 5S & 5C introduction (10 Sept. 2013) - YouTube Apple Keynote - iPhone 5S & 5C introduction (10 Sept. 2013) EveryAppleVideo Subscribe Subscribed Unsubscribe 10,220 Subscription preferences Loading... Loading... Working... 213,095 Add to Want to watch this again later? Sign in to add 1,053 Like this ...