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Apple - iPad - Accessories Colorful cases and covers for iPad. And accessories to stream videos and games to your TV, download photos from your digital camera, and more. ... Shoot. Connect. Enjoy. iPad camera adapters give you two ways to import photos and videos from a digital ...
iPad Cables & Docks - Lightning Cables, USB Adapters & More - Apple Store (U.S.) Shop for iPad cables, adapters, and docks. Find replacement cables, Lightning adapters, and other iPad accessories. ... Loading Check Order Status Find out estimated delivery dates for your orders. Return Items Return your items and get a refund. Cancel I
Apple - Learn about iPod accessories for home, car, and on the go Get the accessories you need to take your iPod on the road, to the party, or anywhere you go. ... Apple In-Ear Headphones with Remote and Mic Headphones and Headsets The earbud headphones that come with your iPod are just the beginning.
Lightning Digital AV Adapter - Apple Store (U.S.) The Lightning Digital AV Adapter mirrors what you see on your iPad, iPhone, ... Use the Lightning Digital AV Adapter with your iPad with Retina display, iPad mini, ... Requires an HDMI cable (sold separately) for connection to your TV or ...
Apple 30-pin Digital AV Adapter - Apple Store (台灣) 使用Apple Digital AV Adapter,即可在HDTV 或相容於HDMI 的顯示器中鏡像呈現iPad 或iPhone 4S 螢幕的所有內容,包括app、簡報與網站等,解析度高達1080p ...
Review Apple iPad 2 Digital AV adapter HDMI connector for your TV - YouTube Just a quick and simple review of the HDMI adapter for the iPad 2.
Dock Connector to HDMI Adapter - 副廠iPhone / iPad 專用HDMI 轉 ... 2013年2月11日 ... 正面主要標示了這HDMI 轉接器支援iPad、iPhone 和iPod touch(以下 ... HDMI 轉接 線純銅蕊高品質原廠晶片new iPad iPhone 4s 這個好嗎?
全新iPad Dock Connector 轉HDMI帶USB充電高解析轉接線 ... ◇Apple iPad/iPad2影像輸出至投影機或高解析電視 ◇iPad/iPad2裝置可透過此 ... 適用機型: 蘋果ipad,ipad2,new ipad,iphone4/4S,ipod touch4. ◇ 商品規格 ...
Apple iPod, iPhone (2g, 3g), iPad Dock connector pinout diagram @ Used in 3rd and later generation iPods for charging, connecting to a PC via USB or Firewire, to a stereo via line-out, to a serial device (controlled via the Apple Accessory Protocol). This connector exists in most Apple iPod MP3 players (iPod 3G, 4G, 5G