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iPod - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia The iPod is a line of portable media players designed and marketed by Apple Inc. The first line was released on October 23, 2001, about 8½ months after iTunes (Macintosh version) was released. Its most recent redesigns ...
Apple Headquarters of the makers of the Macintosh line of personal computers.
Official Apple Store - Buy iPhone 5s, iPhone 5c, iPad Air, iPad mini, MacBook Pro, and more Wahoo Fitness RFLKT Bike Computer Powered by iPhone $99.95 4.5 out of 5 stars Free Shipping Available to ship : Within 24 hours ... or wish to buy an iPhone as a gift, see your carrier, an Apple Retail Store Specialist, the Apple Online Store, or an Apple
iPad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia iPad is a line of tablet computers designed and marketed by Apple Inc., which runs Apple's iOS. The first iPad was released on April 3, 2010; the most recent iPad models, the iPad Air and second generation iPad Mini, ...
iPad - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Release date, 1st generation: ... 2, 3rd & 4th generation, Air, Mini 1st & 2nd generation: iOS 7.1.1, released April 22, ...
Apple - iOS 7 With an all-new design and all-new features, iOS 7 is the world's most advanced mobile OS. In its most advanced ... iOS is the foundation of iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch. It comes with a ...
Apple, iPhone and iPad Forums | 3rd Party Apps For iPhone | iPod Touch 3rd Party Apps for your iPhone and iPod Touch. These include Web Apps and Native apps. Sub-Forums: Apple AppStore App Discussion, Native iPhone / iPod Touch App Launches, Native iPhone / iPod Touch App ...
iPhone, iPad, Mac Buyer's Guide: Know When to Buy The iPod nano saw its last significant update in September 2012, with a minor September 2013 seeing only the replacement of the previous "slate" color option with "space gray". There have been no credible rumors about the future of the iPod nano, and it r
iPad Air - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia "Apple iPad Air and new iPad mini 2 with Retina still sport 1 GB of RAM, service chat reveals".