深入浅出- Android系统移植与平台开发(十一) - Sensor HAL框架分析 ... 2012年10月19日 ... Sensor的概念Sensor即传感器,在当前智能手机上大量存在:G-Sensor、 LightsSensor、ProximitySensor、TemperatureSensor等,其作为Android ...
S4 Proximity sensor issue - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com Just did the pushed software update for the Galaxy s4. Now the proximity sensor is playing up. ( Once screen switches off during call it wont switch ... I registered just to say thank you. It worked on mine!! I did try to activate everything that has some
Android Sensor Tutorial: Barometer Sensor | Surviving w/ Android Android development blog Tutorials about Android dev topics ... One of the most interesting topics in my opinion is how to use Sensor in Android. Nowadays our smartphone are full of sensors and we can use it to control somehow our app.
Proximity Sensor bad? - Android Forums at AndroidCentral.com I've also had this issue since day 1. I was out of town last week & it happened during a crucial moment. So embarrassing... It was b/t 7-8:30 and the sun was starting to set. Man when I say the prox sensor failed big-time, it failed big-time. It failed ou
SensorManager | Android Developers Always make sure to disable sensors you don't need, especially when your activity is paused. Failing to do so can drain the battery in just a few hours. Note that ...
Location and Sensors APIs | Android Developers Use sensors on the device to add rich location and motion capabilities to your app, ... This class teaches you how to incorporate location based services in your ...
SensorService启动分析 - CSDN blog 2013年5月24日 - 4.0中sensor是以一个service 的方式启动的在base\cmds\sensorservice\main_sensorservice.cpp#include #include using namespace android;int ...
Android 2.3 的更新:SensorService 的「Native 化」 - jollen 2011年1月3日 - 近期在進行Android 2.3 的新框架程式碼研究,Android 2.3 在Platform (Framework) 部份包含了許多重大的更新,其中一個部份就是SensorService ...
Android Sensor - Tutorial - Vogella 2012年3月7日 - Android Sensor This tutorial describes how to use the Android Sensor ... If this free community service was helpful, you can support the cause ...
Android Barometer Logger: Acquiring Sensor Data - Tuts+ ... 2012年4月30日 - You'll learn to read the sensor data and how to schedule recurring events so the application, and its service don't have to remain running.