Setting Up an Existing IDE | Android Developers You should have already downloaded the Android SDK Tools. (If you downloaded the ADT Bundle, you should instead read Setting Up the ADT Bundle.) The SDK Tools package is not the complete SDK environment. It includes only the core SDK tools, which you can
Installing the SDK - Android Developers You should have already downloaded the Android SDK Tools. (If you downloaded the ADT Bundle, you should instead ...
Step 1: Setting Up the Development Environment Android SDK ... Step 1: Setting Up the Development Environment Android SDK ... MAC: Update the PATH variable to point to the Android SDK Platform-tools directory in the ...
[新手完全手冊] 建立 Android App 開發環境 於 ubuntu 10.04 (ubuntu 9.10,ubuntu 10.10) 64位元 | Milochen's Blog for ha (如有任何不清楚或不懂之處,歡迎到我的居家(G+) 討論 討論喔) [新手完全手冊] ubuntu 10.04 64位元上建立 Android App 開發環境 當您依照本篇文章操作完畢之後, 您將看到這個畫面,這代表您已經將 AndroidApp 開發環境建立好了。
6 Ways to Install Android on Ubuntu Linux with Eclipse IDE - wikiHow 跳到 Download, Install and Configure the Android SDK - Method 3 of 6: Download, Install and Configure the Android SDK. 1. Download the ...
AndroidSDK - Community Help Wiki - Official Ubuntu Documentation 2012年7月28日 - This is a general overview of what the Android SDK is, what it does, .... for the download to finish, we have to configure Ubuntu a little to meet ...
[Tips for Android developer] : Android SDK tools PATH setting | butterflydroid After you installed the Android SDK, it’s a good idea to add the tools directory to your search path, which includes a useful collection of command-line tools. Windows: Supposu you have download and install Android SDK, and extract it in another drive, ex
Android SDK | Android Developers Download the official Android SDK to develop apps for Android-powered devices. ... Get the Android SDK The Android SDK provides you the API libraries and developer tools necessary to build, test, and debug apps for Android.
Getting Started · Installing the Android Development Environment Configure the ANDROID_HOME environment variable based on the location of the Android SDK. Additionally, consider adding ANDROID_HOME/tools , and ...
AndroidSDK - Community Help Wiki - Official Ubuntu Documentation This guide also contains instructions on how to set up the Android SDK on Ubuntu 10.04 onwards. Introduction Contents Introduction Preparation and Installation Downloading the SDK Starter Package Setting up Java Downloading the SDK platform tools ...