Ground Overlays - Google Maps Android API v2 — Google Developers A ground overlay is an image that is fixed to a map. Unlike markers, ground overlays are oriented against the Earth's ...
Tile Overlays - Google Maps Android API v2 — Google Developers A tile overlay, sometimes called a tile layer, is a collection of images that are displayed on top of the base map tiles.
How to add overlay in google maps API v2 | Android - Stack Overflow 1 Jan 2013 ... I recently got working with Google Maps API v2 on Android and stumbled upon another obstacle.
Android Maps-API v2: where are the Overlays? - Stack Overflow Now I want to switch to the new maps-v2-api. ... Google Maps Android API v2 Route Overlay.
Overlay an image on google maps android api v2 - Stack Overflow BitmapDescriptorFactory can create BitmapDescriptor s for you from various objects, e.g. BitmapDescriptor ...
Google Maps Android API v2 Route Overlay - Stack Overflow It's done with Polyline . From the example on the Google Developers page ...
GroundOverlay | Android Developers Android Developers. Quicknav ... Authorizing with Google for REST APIs ... com. Class Overview. A ground overlay is an image that is fixed to a map.
TileOverlay | Android Developers ... An overlay with a larger z-index is drawn over overlays with smaller z-indices.
Display an overlay on Google Maps for Android! - Threads Of Life 2 Jan 2014 ... The latest version of Google Maps API for Android i.e v2 includes a feature known as GroundOverlay ...